This is really crushing please facilitate

ok I'm 14 and about 2 weeks after my period i other find it hard to poo. i checked my poo and there is similar to little white worms in it! I'm so scared is this average?????? it only happens 2 weeks after my extent!! please help!

Answers:    This has nil to do with your period.

Hundreds of ancestors get these and yes I have have them!

You have thread worms (also known as pin worms) and they look similar to very small white pieces of cotton, right? First of all don’t panic….

1)You are not dirty, several people get these especially when they are infantile. These worms live in the soil and dust around us and someone generally contracts them by drinking unwashed salad or fruits.

2)These infest and re-infest the host by the person itching their bottom (and it will be itchy late at night) and next touching around the mouth.

3)Once someone in the house has them, EVERYONE have to be treated together. And the bedding needs to be thoroughly washed.

First things first, bring up to date your Mum, this is not the first time she has met this I bet. If it is, show her this. Get her to pop to the Chemist and explain. He will sell her some piperazine which will assassinate the worms. You take one sachet one day and another two weeks after that, just in baggage untreated worms have hatched.

Good Luck Sweetie
It sounds close to you have worms. Don't worry it is treatable you purely need to go to the doc. It is glibly spread so tell you family. Keep yourself verbs and change your bed covers often. Don't cut into your bum then put your hands to hand your mouth. Wash you hands often. I don't meditate this has anything to with your interval. It is common so don't think your the just one. there was a show nearly it on Oprah. People who get warms surrounded by their poo caught the warm from somewhere. The dirt in conservatory, some food they've eaten and the like. Its not knotty to cure, but its better if you told ur parents about it so they can take you to the clinic for treatment.
Nothing to verbs about, you can get rid of the warm in about 1 or 2 weeks.
Good Luck.
If you own worms you wont get them after your period, they will be within all the time, is it very itchy especially contained by your bed, you must tell you mum and the doctor will give you pills to return with rid of them, it is very infectious and you need to use separate towels from other ancestors. I'm doubting this has nothing to do beside your period, but none the less shouldn't be taken insubstantially, tell a adult, or if it worries you that much see a doctor, you should book, breed a 'sample' to show him, and he will use his expertise to decipher the problem..
hey dear! dnt b embarassed.u hav a prblm dat a lot, i repeat greatly of ppl hav!..this prblm is especially comon among small children..just tel ur mom abt this n thn see a doc. or ur mom mite evn kno wat medicine to pinch witout havn to see da doc! da sure ur hands r other clean, very verbs especially b4 u eat!...take support!
stay beautiful Sounds like you hold threadworm! It is coincidence that it is around the time of your period!! You need to dance to your local chemist and buy some OVEX tablets! you only have to chew one tablet and the worms will disappear! Good luck..
sounds close to tapeworm.
It's worms. It's really easy to treat you can buy a tablet from the chemist. You will also have to hose all your bedding and wash your hand and scrub your nails after going to the toilet and before intake etc. You have worms, you need to enlighten a parent, and have them take you into the doctor. They'll probably put you on a de-worming treatment, and you'll be adjectives set!.
Don't worry, most people bring worms. You must go to your mum and let her know, she can step to the chemist and get you some medication. You need to be in motion to a doctor as soon as possible. That is not normal..
You have worms you want to tell your mum and get some treatment. dance to the doctor, they are easy to get rid of, don't be worrying..
You probs own worms... I would definitely see a doctor asap!! Good Luck hope you get better!! gross but we adjectives do it you really need to tell your parents nearly this so you can get check by a doctor it could be your eating customs or not enough nutrition good luck .

Tell someonee is so much easier to let somebody know soemone about this than telling someone give or take a few a period.. GET A DOCTOR!.
EWWWWWWWW dats disgusting go to the chemist and purchase a DEWORM tablet u one and only need one and you dnt need to notify anyone treat it urslf

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