Is it conventional to have greatly of vaginal mucus before my time of year starts?

If so, how much longer until my period starts.

Are in attendance other options for your extent other than tampons and pad?

You may be starting your period surrounded by the next couple of months. Make sure you wear pantyliners presently so that there are no degrading moments.

Good Luck girlfriend..and welcome to womanhood!

Once contained by a while me and my boyfriend have sex short a condom for about a minute .?

its conventional and sometimes u can have seriously of your vagina is trying to clean out an irritant

What is an Adolescent Doctor?

Cervical mucus change consistency based on your hormone level. If you have a great deal of clear slippery discharge, you're probably ovulating, and in that case you hold about 14 days beforehand your period.

Here's a website for more details :

UPDATE -- Did anyone ever hold Cervical Pain after a Biopsy?

Yep, it's normal. Each body is different, so it's concrete for an outsider to estimate the time period between the increase in discharge and the starting date if your time. Honestly, you're the best judge of the time frame.

I don't hold nml periods,but have 4 in a row. Now i'm 2 mnths belated and very moody. Could I be preg?

Yeah it is without blemish healthy, it is your body's channel of cleaning itself. Be happy, it is keeping you from getting infections. It is gross but also pious. No need to freak out when you get hold of ** boogers (discharge). The more the better.

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