Are here other options for your term other than tampons and pad?

I really don't like pad and now after have my IUD removed tampons are hurting.


I had sex next to my guy last darkness, and when we were done i feel sticky substance on my thigh and vaginal area?

There is a product call a menstrual cup. One is made by Diva, I think. The women rave in the region of it.

Does this make your boobs bigger?

The solitary other thing I can surmise of is to take birth control pills continuously so you don't obtain your period. Talk to your dr. around exactly how to work it.

Pads are not as bad as they used to be, and although they pilfer some getting used to, are IMHO more dependable in the long run.

Girls.Please Help?

there arent any other methods. try the tampax pearl. they arent as long and arent as hard to use. if it is hurting, it is possible that you are removing it to soon. if it hasnt received ample you know, it is hard to remove. is letting you know it hasnt reach its capacity, hope this help

What treatments will they most likely do for PCOS?

Sry don't cogitate so.

I just just now had a infant How do I lose the weight? I simply need to lose more or less 10 lbs?

Lybrel is a birth control pill which prevents menstruation as long as it is taken continuously.

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