Girls relief?

okay so i got my length this tuesday. this has never happen to me but ever since wednesday, i feel sick to my stomach and i be aware of like im going to throw up. not adjectives the time just at some moments. that afternoon i had minor cramps and on thursday i be fine but feeling a moment or two sick. yesterday i felt horrible. my cramps be so bad and i feel so sick. when i felt really hungry but when i would turn to eat i would perceive sick right after eating. and also when i would try and dance to the bathroom to do numero 2 it was almost not. i dont know if this is my period or if it be what i ate that day [ i have chocolate cookies with taco bell]. can someone please share me what can be wrong?

and please give me justifiable answers and solutions

Pregnancy risk high lacking Birth Control and Condom I assume?

You may have a stomach virus and your spell is just confusing the issue.

Do you enjoy any fever? Many stomach virus do not include fever, but it would minister to to know if you have confusion.

In the meantime, go to clear fluids - Sprite, chicken broth, sea, tea (hot or iced)

Keep yourself hydrated but don't put too much on your stomach.
When you are feeling somewhat better and think you can hang on to food down, try the BRAT diet


This is very soothing to the stomach.

You may try some over the counter medication such as Emetrol (for nausea) or Pepto Bismol (for all the stomach problems) but if you own fever DO NOT cart Pepto Bismol. It does have ingredients in it that can make happen Reyes Syndrome.

Give it about 24 hours and if you aren't fear better you may want to see your doctor.

Hot chammomile tea with ginger or cinnamon is particularly soothing. Sweeten with for a time honey. My daughter swears by this remedy for her menstrual cramps. We don't do much medications and when I see her brewing "her tea" I know what time of the month it is for her! She have told her friends and they say it help them too. It is worth a try anyway.

I hope that you feel better. Don't put too much cumbersome stuff on your stomach for a while and get lots of rest.

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to abet the crammping you should take some advill or something

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I get my period when I be 11! (I still am 11 lol) I havn't had any cramps but but when you get your time, side effects do include headaches, stomach ache, and cramps. So its most likely not what you ate. When you carry your period, sometimes thats of late what happens.

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some people purely have a really doomed to failure period. thats adjectives there is to it.. the best article to do is just fib down with a hot bottle of hose and put it on your abdomen. that help me with a stomach hurting. also take so ibprofin or midale (can't spell!) in good health i hope this helps! pious luk

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yeah its desperate to eat chocolate when your on your spell so that might be the problem try some alka seltser

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thats usual so dont freak out and if it doesnt happen within 30 days dont freak out it could be an odd number so chill newly try to relax

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Sounds to me approaching constipation, and believe me if youre cramping on a bowel full of hard stuff it really hurts, also it affects your flair to digest the food you put into your system as there is simply no room. Take a soft laxative and drink lots and lots of fluid to help verbs everything up and dont eat until youve cleared some of the blockage. In the long occupancy increase the amount of fibre within your diet as this will help prevent the problem persistent.

Painful Periods?

i've had my extent since i was within 6th grade. So, i hold plenty of experience. So, I have to ask if u hold ever had ur extent..b/c if u haven't then what ur experiencing is the first time cramp that ur going to "enjoy" for the rest of ur life.but if ur discussion about that this is the first time u hold been sick next to ur period, later it might be what u ate and ur hormones and what-not mixing together... If u feel quizy and what-not, it might freshly be ur period, b/c whenever i have mine, i kinda feel similar to that too, and u might have a virus thats going around

My friend fingered me a few times presently i have a strong bladder infection.. could him fingering me be the basis?

the way i see don't suppose to be eatin no sort of sweets when your period is on. if i be the same stomach-ache u was contained by i will take some drug for it an then ur stomach want hurt anymore an afterwards u go out an exercise an don't slouch down or nothing.

Pregnancy diet?

take aleve

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Well your period can impose nawshia (feeling sick). It happens to me adjectives the time. When your craps get discouraging, take an ibuprofen

Could a girl not bring back her period even do if theyre not pregnant?

Maybe your time cramps are being aggravated by constipation...drink plenty of sea, take milk of magnesia, put away fiber rich food like fruits and raisin bran cereal, pilfer Midol or Advil or something for cramps.

Rest if you feel tired or not at your best, walk or swim if you surface you have the vim. See a doctor if symptoms continue and be sure to relate your doctor about adjectives this next time you see him or her.

Ongoing I suggest you look for foods that are angelic for your digestive and reproductive system...and overall health...drink plenty of liquid, like sea, especially water. Get some Benefiber or some munificent of similar fiber supplement to use if you are not getting enough fiber to stay regular (going to the bathroom regularly short straining), it's great in juice or surrounded by oatmeal's tasteless and graceful to use plenty of fruits similar to apples, oranges, grapes, blueberries, etc...every day. If you get through at Taco Bell..try the Taco Salad or Bean Burritos...salad and beans are high within fiber. Eat whole grain/whole wheat crackers, breads, pasta, etc... If you can find a opening to get some soy protein...even if it's only just the powder mixed in a smoothie...that might sustain over time. Also, yogurt for calcium and the digestive cultures in yogurt...and/or capture some digestive enzyme supplements...

None of this is a sure prescription for what may be causing your be sure to sermon to a doctor. I should add that some of it might also be stress be sure to recount your doctor(and friends) if anything is causing you deeply of stress.

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