Please Help FAST!! I'm Getting WORRIED!?

Ok this is kind of personal but I'm getting alarmed. I found a small bump in my vaginal nouns. Now I'm not sexually active so I enjoy no idea what it could be from. I want to continue at least a week or so to see what happen before I run to the doctor. But I'm really afraid that it's serious. What do you think it is? Is it serious? Should I be worried?

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Any time you find a lump you must go to the doctor on an emergency foundation. The doctor will take test and you'll have to loaf a week or so for the results. So, don't delay. Have it checked out a bit than worrying needlessly for an entire week before you see a doctor.

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It could be a cyst or spike bump.

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Sometimes it's a huge pimple...It hurts resembling hell...try to put some acne cream if it helps..except, go find a doc.

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don't be shy about going to the doctor he/she is used to it.

I discern really depressed.?

it could easily be an ingrown down.

you probably should go to the doctor tho. Just incase it's something more.

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you should gain it checked out! that happend to me once when i was 13 and it turned out i have a urine infection im also not sexually active so my doctor said it wasnt anything serious but she said any time you bring a bump or bad odor coming from your vagina you should other go achieve it checked out as soon as possible. dont be alarmed okay?

Why does it hurt??

just go to the doctor, it sounds perilous!!

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if you are a virgin, later it is not an STD, but if you have have sex in times past then it is possible that it could be genital wart (from the no pain perspective). it sometimes take a little while for actual symptoms of STDs to show up (and sometimes no symptoms ever present themselves.)

if you are unsure, dance to a gynocologist and ask them specifically about the bump. not a nurse practitioner, or even your regular doctor, as they will not know.
one and the same thing happen to one of my friends, a nurse practitioner as well as her broad practitioner told her it was nil to be worried about, and a few years then, her gyno told her she had wart, and cervical dysplasia (pre-cancerous cells) that had gone untreated and unmonitored, due to the previous medical counsel she had recieved.
(if you are a virgin, i apologize for the rant, lol)

budge to the doctor, do not delay!!

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