Can in no doubt medicines resembling antibiotics affect my girlfriend's wetness for sexual intercourse?

My girlfriend is taking medicines: elavil (for migraines), tetracycline (antibiotic), and yasmin (birth control).

Is Rhogam merely administered after a miscarriage, abortion or childbirth?

Absolutely! Especially Elavil, it is an anti-depressant, one of the side effects of taking anti-depressants is the vaginal dryness. If sex is painful because of the dryness, use a lubricant such as KY or Astroglide.

SCARED! plan B put somebody through the mill?

Yes, certain medication can alter the level of arousal, cause her to be less "wet".

I thought that when you be ovulating you had clear stuff that comes out of your vagina?

Absolutely. Thry using a personal lubricant.

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