Pain on right side of cervial nouns and vaginal bleeding?


I ovulated within da 24th of april and i have sex contained by da evening and postponed darkness does it business what time i have sex?

If this abnormal and it's not your period later you need to see a could be from a lot of reason, including pregnancy.if you might be pregnant then go to the doctor right presently...somehting could be serious wrong...such as a eptopic pregnancy which could kill you.
If you are in a large amount of pain and you know you are NOT pregnant 100 percent for sure not pregnant then I would budge to the ER..if it's light bleeding and light agony then you could probably wait for tomorrow...however as I enjoy all ready mentioned..if you might be pregnant you involve to go the ER NOW! I hope all turns out okay and best of luck toyou. :)

How do you capture rid of bloating or prevent it? TEN POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER!!?

Do you hold any pain that radiates into your posterior? I had your symptoms for awhile (I let it go) and later one morning I had terrible spasm that radiated into my back (I be doubled over).turned out to be that I had an ovarian cyst that then ruptured (very painful). But this could be lots of other things as resourcefully. Go to your doctor and hopefully he or she can help you before anything get worse. Best of Luck!!

Are in that any other ladys who are essentially 34F? (I'm just 5ft4ins!!)?

how old are you?if ur young it might be ur time if ur not young you should go to the doctor...polite luck~!

I am an extremely outgoing /happy entity most of the time. But right in a minute i am sentiment so in a state and anxious. I am

maybe u should go to doctors

Bleeding .. any design what might be cause it??

Why Her? Bad Breathe?
Doctors or nurses sustain please?
I'm 47 yrs mature my wife is complaining that my foot smell similar to puke .?

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