Why isn't this bladder infection going away? Could something else be wrong next to me?

I went to the ER 2 weeks ago because I have a lot of blood contained by my urine and was surrounded by a lot of dull pain when I went to the bathroom. I took the prescriptiona dn it go away for about 2 weeks...presently it's back and I am peeing blood again. Has this ever happen to anyone else? Could something else be wrong that this is returning after I finished the medicine?

Is in attendance a way?

Yes the infection can come pay for, depends which bacteria cause it to start with as to which antibiotic works for it.

Glad to hear you are going posterior to the doctor tomorrow...go sooner rather.

He/she may give you anther prescription for antibiotics and will hopefully do some test.

Good luck

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Did you FINISH the prescrip? A lot of times if you don't finish the complete thing it will come backbone with a retribution. You could be pregnant-- pregnant women are known to carry frequent bladder infections...

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You poor thing! I can't even picture! I'm so sorry but I have no clue what that must be similar to. Sorry I really can't help, but I needed to say, go and get well soon! Good luck at the doctors!

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yes there is something wrong near you maybe you should dance on a diet!!!!...

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You might enjoy kidney failure, it merely couldn't be your bladder. Maybe you suffered a physical blow to your kidneys or something that's causing that. Good luck

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Well, when it happened to me, it terminated up being kidney stones. However, I have horrible back cramps near mine, but they didn't come until later. Do you haev any cramping at adjectives?

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u may be have stone .

Just give me a particularly simple answer please?

YES.. oh yes. This has happen to me. I had to cart a second set of antibiotics to clear it up. It's so miserable, depressing, and unformfortable. Other than a really nasty bladder infection, i significantly doubt anything else is wrong with you. My bladder infection last over two weeks, and it felt resembling a eternity. Remember to drink a ton of water and cramberry liquid. :)

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I am going through impossible to tell apart thing right in a minute. I have have a bladder infection and started taking antibiotics. I took them for 10 days and I still have it I contemplate. I am waiting for my 2nd lad results. I am also scared at hand is something wrong with me! I be aware of for you! But not to worry, antibiotics can appropriate a couple of rounds to get rid of the infection. own they tested you for anything else such as a kidney infection?

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Yeah, probably they didn't make available you a high adequate dose -- or you should have be on it for like 4 weeks or so

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ok, this could be something call Interstitial Cystitis. Please write this down and ask the doctor. However, you should be seeing a Urologist. This is very tricky to diagnose. You may be bleeding from small ulcerations (hemorages). This disease is very raw. It is something you should also look up on WebMd. Good Luck. and don't stop until you find the answers.

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I had a stick with ant problem for awhile., firstly if you did not finish the round of medication completely that is your problem. Even after you quality better keep taking the antibiotics.

You may own developed a resistance tot he antibiotics, in which bag your doc will just prescribe a modern broad spectrum antibiotic.

The worst case scenario is a fistula. This can be detected via cat scan and is essentially a short time tear i.e. allowing bacteria to move pay for and forth creating a persistent problem.

Keep a close eye on it, monitor your sulphate intake (no booze, saline meats, processed foods) Drinks lots of pure cranberry liquid and water to flush your system. Avoid sex and pilfer your meds religiously and hopefully you will be fine.

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I've never had hematuria. It's possible that the infection is unremitting, that you didn't take the prescription as directed or that at hand's an underlying condition that hasn't yet be addressed. Assuming that you took the med correctly and took adjectives of it, that leaves the other two possibilities. But this is all speculation and that's the best you can hope for on womenanswers.orgs. You may want further diagnostics. I'm glad you're returning to your doctor.

And, no, for an uncomplicated UTI, 3 days isn't too little. Meds can be prescribed for 3, 5 or 7 days. Perhaps yours isn't uncomplicated.

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Please ask your doc to check for ovarian cancer !
You need a blood check call 'ca-125' tryout. My wife had similar symptoms and is alive very soon because of getting checked. Th sooner you find out ...the better the chance to be cured. It simply might be a simple infection...but it pays to be sure. The symptoms of ovarian cancer are so vague,that frequent symptoms are missed or attributed to some other condition.
I hope everthing is ok with you.we narrowly had ins. and its still a nightmare of paperwork and red video. Good Luck !

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I really feel for you. I only went through this. I woke up one morning beside blood in my urine. I go to the ER, they ran test and put me on an antibiotic. The blood cleared up that day. The following Saturday, the blood appeared again. I go back to the ER and they run more tests including a CT of my Kidney's. All my test came support fine- Normal Kidney function. The CT showed a kidney stone in my left Kidney the size of a globe point pen tip. They said they didn't believe it would cause that type of blood so they set me up beside an appointment to see a Urologist. I am young, but I smoke and smoking is the #1 create of bladder cancer and this is what they wanted to check for. I couldn't gain in for 2 months and the bleeding would come sour and on. Last week I made it to my appointment and they preformed a cystoscopy where they looked surrounded by my bladder with a compass and it was fine. They also did a pelvic exam. It is scarry, I know. They now read out the blood is because of the tiny kidney stone that is lodged, any time it shifts for a while, blood appears. So it could be several things,
A bladder infection that didn't clear up
A kidney stone
Kidney Failure
Bladder Cancer
I hope this helps and email me if you hold any more questions. My thoughts and prayers are beside you as I know what you are going through : )

I had no twinge what so ever with mine.

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