What nearly polycystic ovaries?

I met w/a new dr. who asked me give or take a few my last interval, then asked some other question. I have excess fuzz growth, weight gain, and irreguler period. All signs of polycystic ovaries. I called today to draw from my lab results and they said they were usual. What's the possibility of a false normal? They checked my RBC and I know for a reality I have low iron; wouldn't that effect my RBC? Is within anything else that I may have if it's not a false commonplace?


I dont want to be caught?

I was diagnosed next to polycystic ovarian syndrome 4 yrs ago by 3 different drs and then I go to a specialist and all of my lab work come back ok...I enjoy the same signs as you ...whew I never thought i would find someone going through indistinguishable thing as me.but anyhow when i be diagnosed they pretty much told me that i am making a male hormone and not womanly thats why the hair growth and they put me on glocophage and that basically made me sick.i dont understand how 3 drs said yes and 1 dr said no next to test but the other drs did them same test

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When will i have my time? read more details below?

lots have irregular period and weight gain, so you really hold one symptom, the hair. Even that may be genetic..if you hold dark mane and others in your loved ones have too, it may a moment ago be nothing. ps. your Red blood count may show slight anemia, which too, is regular for some women who lose excessive blood during menstruation. However, that means you have need of to take iron, not enjoy a disease....

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plenty of women with polycystic ovary own normal labs. most of the labs are in fact looking for something else, if all is regular, the assumption is that the woman has polycystic ovary syndrome. only just because you have low iron does not necessarily mingy that you are anemic. anyway, you should be looking at the hemoglobin or hematocrit, not the RBC

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