Sex and conception?

Ok if anyone of you have notice I've been asking alot of question, but to put it all together,i have sex with a man and the condon that we used ( I believe) have a leak to it . motivation i saw little holes on the outside of the wrapper and he came contained by me, and the day that we have sex was the daytime after my period finished. And in my suitcase, can i get pregnet if nearby were holes within the condom and can i get pregnet that we have sex on the first day after my time of year, and if so, when will be the earliest date that i find out that im pregnet?

What should i use to help me cramps i obtain them really bad the first daytime only?

its unlikely to procure pregnant only a light of day after finishing periods but likelihood happen adjectives the time, I assume you wont know until you miss your next extent which i hope you dont.')

What is the sticky white stuff that girls get?

conception collectively occurs 14 days from the first day of your is very unlikely you are pregnant. however you should do a try-out to be sure,if you miss your next extent

I am 25years old breast size so brawny & dr.says wear bra harmonice translation.this is not possible.suggest?

Yes usually we ovulate around the 15 afternoon of our cycle but some women ovulate much earlier or much after that. Considering Sperm ejaculated into a woman's vagina remain alive in the mucus of the cervix and are competent to fertilize an egg for three to five days, we can get pregnant ''anytime'' during the month. There are pregnancy exam out there who are accurate 4 days until that time your next term.

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