What does it anticipate if you get really bloated contained by your abdomen and you cannot stir #2.?

When you do finally go, it is the size of your little finger and not that much comes out and surface like you enjoy to go some more, but it will not come out?

I am not anyone gross or making this up, but this happens to me once within a while and I do not know what this means?

Who make the most accurate home pregnancy test? How much do they usually cost?

Start drinking more dampen and taking natural fiber capsule with 8 oz. chalice of water respectively time.

It happens!

If i took birth control that be 7 yrs past expiration date would it work?

yer preggers. no jk it sounds similar to you are constipated. Juss get a laxative and if that doesnt minister to go to the doctors and they will present you a painful enema :) worthy luck

Just wonderingabout this..?

you need to affix some fiber to your diet. If you like prunes, get through some of those. Or just give or take a few any fruit. You can also get metamucil cookies at the store that aren't too fruitless tasting. This have happened to me a few times, it's intensely uncomfortable response.

How often should you own a smear?

Your constipated dude.go to the pharmacy and pick up some medication...if you were a woman Id read aloud get correctal...but in attendance has to be something for everyone in attendance. The gas is building up in your intestines and going to your stomach cause it can achieve out the other way.

Stretch results..?

Gas. You could have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Drink more hose down and start keeping track of what you eat near a journal. Then when you start to get the impression bloated, you can better determine the cause of your discomfort. You should unquestionably talk it over near your doctor.

Can you get Pregnaent on your length?

is it usually around the time you are going to start your period? sometimes you seize constipated around that time of the month. that's what it sounds like. you can bring back an enema at the drug store. try that.

Bleeding? Ladies?

This could be related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The only course to know for sure is to have this situation evaluated by your dr to see what they chew over is going on.

Abnormal Vaginal Discharge?

More fats and red meat contained by diet may cause it. Fruits, Salad, plenty of fluids and oil lamp exercise in the morning close to jogging, will comfort.

Breast Issue?

maybe you are constipated. you may want to take some
of that pink pills, pepto bismal. it works. or take a laxitive.

Urgent medical questionladies could possibly answer best?

you are constipated.

drink more sea and eat more foods next to fiber.. like vegtables and fruits... especially oranges..
it'll comfort you.

I just started Birth Control & presently I have swollen foot?

your constipated and need to filch a mild laxative or stool softner. eat more fiber too.

I am 10 days deferred on my period!!?

Constipation. You can capture medication for it.

Periods getting closer together?


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