I am 10 days late on my time!!?

I have taken 3 hpt they are adjectives negative.. I hold had cramping approaching I was going to start.. Feel kinda nauseated... I hold a 1 yr old girl and when I took a hpt when i be preg w/ her i was soon late w/ positive results... 10 days past due 3 negative results w/ the clearblue confident digital... pregnancy symptoms... Is it possible there could be something else wrong.. stress possibly?cyst? anyone?

When calculating ur menstrual cycles?

Hey, don't worry in the order of it! This has happen to me before and my interval was over 2 MONTHS unsettled. What happened be, my period be just a touch over a week late and I get a little stressed give or take a few it. After that, I got more and more stressed out so that simply delayed it longer! I took 4 pregnancy tests and adjectives came out distrustful of course.
From experience, I newly want to say don't verbs about it if you've taken 3 and adjectives came out gloomy. Those tests are EXTREMELY accurate presently days. I spent extra money and time and stress etc. going to the doctor's to double check and all they did is dispense me the same answer as the test. They even told me basically that I be kind of wasting my time since the test are so accurate. haha
On a side note, I want to say aloud that I also imagined several pregnancy symptoms, but that is tremendously normal to cogitate every little thing is a symptom! Most of them be just impossible to tell apart symptoms as pms, and my body was a moment ago trying to do it's thing! Good luck honey, purely stop stressing. :)

I'm 13 and haven't had my time of year.?

You probably have ovarian cancer. Start radiation fast. (Hope you aren't pregnant, because after you start your cancer treatments, it will die.)

How come I get so hungry?!?

that have happent to me before

Need a fitting diate?

maybe you've got vigour problems?

I think my friend have an eating disorder?!?

10 days tardy should be plenty of time for the test to read properly. If it doesn't start within another week you might want to see your doctor. Stress can certainly raison d`??tre you to miss a period. If the cramping get worse, go to your doctor. It's possible you could hold a pregnancy in one of your tubes.

I come up with I may have Menopause?

You can still seize a false negative even at 10 days unpunctually. If you don't start your period soon, I would spawn an appointment with your OBGYN and hold a blood test done to see if you are pregnant, and if you aren't they can update you why you aren't having a time. Plus, you didn't say to some extent you are on BC or not. If you are, this could be the reason for adjectives your symptoms. Good luck!

Will stress delay your menstrual length even though on birth control pills?

The digital test is harder to use and smaller amount accurate than the old ones. Try another brand that still uses the lines.


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