Can you get hold of a hysterectomy at age 24, if you have granted you don't want any kids?

If so, will health insurance cover this?

Is it regular to have stomic pains when have you peroid? How do i get rid of my stomic pains? Help!!?

You could attain a hysterectomy if you had some sort of medical problem that it would solve, such as uterine cancer (very unusual in someone that young) or excessive bleeding that could not be controlled any other route.

However, I think you anticipate, "Can a 24-year-old be *sterilized,* which is usually done via tubal ligation or a new proceedure call Essure, which doesn't require general anesthesia. Yes, you can return with sterilized at your age. If you are old satisfactory to decide to enjoy kids, you are old plenty to decide not to hold them. The problem is that younger, childless women have a harder time finding doctors liable to sterilize them. I recommend Marie Stopes or Feminist Women's Heath Center: both of them have policies which state they do not discriminate against infantile women who want sterilization.

I lost my virginity less later a week ago and i wasnt sure if my cherry broke it didnt bleed right after?

whats that?

I got my period on 29th last month but again get it on 17th of this month (april) .Is it normal?

No, you can't bring a hysterectomy until after you have have a child unless you need one for some medical root. Choosing not to have kids isn't a biddable enough justification.

Girls please please please answer this question, its critical?

hysterectomy's are only perform on people you truly have a problem your doctor won't allow it

Abnormal length cycles!? Help!?

if / it /is not /medically/ necessary/ no/ there/ are /other ways /to prevent children/

Ladies: it is possible to always be?

Not unless you hold a medical reason to own it done. I don't think not wanting children is a motivation your health insurance would cover it, You would probably hold a hard time finding a doctor that would agree to do it for that point anyway

Do my mesurements sound right?

I suggest you can but you really do not want to get a hysterectomy at 24. Doing that will put you into menopause at an precipitate age.

Should all abortion be undemocratic?

No, most drs will not do a hysterectomy on a woman just because they don't want children. The defence is because of the possibility of a suit if you should find that later on you revise your mind and want children.

The only origin that a dr would do it is if you had a medical problem such as resembling with fibroids (an example). Because of your age it may be firm even to do that if you had a medical problem because a few States will not allow a dr to do a hysterectomy on a woman that is younger than 30. The dr would hold to get consent from the State's Medical board if you live in a State resembling that.

As for the insurance, they would only cover it if medically compulsory (meaning a medical problem if the State Medical Board agrees if you live in a State that has a decree like this) otherwise they would deem it unnecessary surgery and deny it.

I dont take pleased, can u help me?

you obligation your uterus and ovaries for hormone regulation.
You can however get your tubes "tied". I have a friend do this for the same basis at about your age. She did hold some eggs removed and frozen just surrounded by case she changed her mind, which as expected, she did when she met the right person. You are immature and you have plenty of time to generate a final decision on such an substantial issue. If you still feel this agency at 26 or so I would say move about for the tubal, but be sure to save a few eggs a short time ago in overnight case. If you decide after that on not to ever use them, some grateful woman out there will be more than jolly to benefit from them!

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