My friend is really worried going on for swollen lymph nodes?

She has one within her armpit and you can barely discern it, it feels close to a zit and she says it doesnt hurt. She's have it for about 2 years very soon and the doctor said it would eventually go away. She also say she has three small ones on her vaginal chops (the inside). They also don't hurt and shes had them for a while too. The doctors dont seem to be to be worried but its constantly on her mind, anyone know why they don't go away? Shes overweight and doesn't excercise. I hear excersise helps lymphatic flow, could her deficiency of excercise be the rason these tiny bumps won't go away?

Can my term start sooner if im around other women on their periods?

I have swollen lymph nodes in my collar from having mononucleosis. The swelling will turn down if she exercises because it'll help the blood flow through. If the doctors aren't worried she shouldn't be worried. They will other be swollen but the swelling will reduce after several years. Tell her to exercise...merely take a stride for 15 minutes a day to find the blood flowing through her body.

What can I use to pleasure?

I had swollen lymph nodes plentiful times on my neck, however I do exercise on a daily basis.
my doctor put me on antibiotic medication 500mg 3x's a day for in the region of 6 weeks.

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