Symptoms? Any opinion?

My period is due surrounded by 11 days. And I've been have PMS symptoms REALLY STRONG, but I usually don't feel that till the daty formerly my period starts and while I am on it. I enjoy cramps, right down in my pelvis, and go into my lower back, and the middle of my stern. My breasts for the past couple days, have a feeling all tingly, and sore, and tingly underneath the nipple, (I know unexpected right), and usually with PMS, with the sole purpose one breast hurts (Weird again, female, but its both this time. And my stomach newly keeps foreboding like its getting into knot like if I puked...I'd be okay. Frequent and BAD headache almost every night for former times 3-4 days...

Could it just be my cycle human being out of whack, or could I be pregnant??

But I can't test until I see if my extent comes in 11 days!!

Any opinion? I don't think I could be pregnant, end in I shouldn't be feeling this instrument too soon.

Answers:    it could just b a progress with ur hormones...ur cycle change from time to time..or u could b prego...u should take a assessment just to b sure...i have some odd symtoms myself and it be a while before my term..and it felt acquainted since i already had a i go ahead and did a test anyway..turned out that i have baby number 2 on the opening
no its normal ive be getting them and im 22 days late! virgin :(

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