Can you ovulate on the pill?

I'm taking the birth control pill Ortho Tri Lo and it's in the order of 2 weeks back my interval but I have unbelievably brief breast pain and I thought I have a heightened sense of smell because I could smell a musty towel 10 foot away.

Can you ovulate on the pill or am I newly human being paranoid?

whats wrong?

You can ovulate on the pill, but to be precise completely, incredibly, exceedingly infrequent. The pill primarily works by stopping ovulation.

But, if you do ovulate, here are two other ways to prevent pregnancy. The first is to thicken the cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to enter the uterus. The second way is to sunken the inner facing of the uterus, making it harder for a fertilized egg to shoot.

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Generally no. The pill make your body muse you are pregnant.....

Birth control pill/period examine?

Its possible, its not unheard of but it is highly infrequent. Go see the doc if your concerned.

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probably paranoid. my breast get tender alot too. and i be on the pill for 2 years. so your fine, probably purely ealry symtoms of your term

I basically stopped birth control pills; how long till I can expect to resume " normal" period?

it is slightly possible to take pregnant on the pill. Were you on antibiotics or anything? Because that can spawn your pill not as significant.

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Yes, you can. The birth control pill is not 100% powerful. Unfortunately, the lone piece that's 100% successful is parsimony.

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Yes, some women do, that's why the pill is NOT 100% decisive contained by preventing conception.

Some women get hold of pregnant while have their length.


No, you shouldn't unless you screwed up your pills (forgot one and doubled up, etc...and even later you shouldn't ovulate unless it happen more than once within a cycle.) Your body is tricked into thinking it's pregnant and that's why you don't ovulate.

But you still hold hormone fluctuations at the appropriate times. If you're have these "symptoms" it could, possibly, a moment ago be that.

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No. that must be a really musty towel. Make sure you filch your pills as directed for accurate results. Don't mess around near medication.

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I dont thik you're supposed to, but some women can. I have the WORST time on "Lo" I would bleed every single daytime, even if it be simply a slight amount, but it be usually ample that I'd hold to wear protection constantly. Turns out, the low hormone horizontal wasnt ample for my body and I be switched to regular Tri Cyclen- everything be faultless after that. It could be that your body requirements more than the low dosage of hormones as economically, and thats why you're have these symptoms. Chec near the doc and see if this is regular, or if it should pass by. If not, ask for a different form of the pill. Good luck

Read please!!?

YES, the contraceptive pills do NOT prevent ovulation.

It newly renders the pool liner of the uterus contained by a nonreceptive state for a fertilised ovum .

Skiping period?

Yes you do ovulate on the pill. The pill make your body conjecture its pregnant so the entire concept is that when you ovulate, and the egg happen to win fertilized, the body will not bud it because it think here is already a fertilized egg implanted. This is why alot of catholics are so firm to not use birth control....they believe that duration begin at conception...that`s why they deem this process is butchery an innocent go.

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