When should my daughter start shaving her legs?


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When the hair starts to be perceptible.
There is no age for starting, I first did it when I was 14, because I have to wear a short skirt (which I usually don't wear), but if I had to start before I would have done it.

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i did around 13, when the tresses started looking pretty noticable. when it's noticable, she should start.
get her a biddable razor, zilch cheap. it's easy to bring nicks.

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seriously... why bother?

Has this happend to anyone?

I did surrounded by 5th grade, much to my mother's chagrin. I have fairly hirsute legs and played indoor soccer, so I was really embarassed.

If she's get hairy legs and is surrounded by fact embarassed of them, try to be sensitive to her requirements and insecurities.

Hope that helped. : )

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When the hair on her legs/arm pits is discernible. I started at the age of 12.

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the sooner she starts the more vigorously, darker and thicker it grows wager on (the same as what happens next to facial hair when you start to shave, it starts out blond sparce and fine and ends up gummy dense and black) If its little blone hair to be exact hard to identify unless your looking for it, i would tell her not to verbs, if it is black and noticable then possibly consider it.

What's going on?

i started shaving @ about 11 during 6th position when the hair started to become pretty noticable.

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Tell her to wax, not shave. Shaving will not in reality make the hair grow back more, dark or thicker, thats just an old-fashioned wives tale. The blade cuts the hair rotten at an angle, so it just LOOKS thicker.

Waxing WILL certainly make the hair sparser and thinner after a while (this is NOT an old wives tale). It doesn't hurt that disappointingly at all, and it will hurt smaller amount and less respectively time. It's a lot cheaper too, because it last for much much longer than a shave, and you don't get stubbly regrowth after a year or two, just smooth legs for weeks.

If she does wish to shave, DON'T BUY GILLETTE! They test on animals! :(

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10 or eleven so she has the suspend of it

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umm, i would right to be heard when they get to unshorn..

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As soon as 1) she have hairy satisfactory legs to be self-consious about it and 2) can undamagingly manipulate a blade without adjectives herself. I started when I was 12 and hold never cut myself shaving.

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my niece started doing it at the age of 15.

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I started shaving when I be ten, only because I have extremely long and dark spine on my legs and arms; and my aunt made me feel self-conscious about it. I never did accidentally cut myself, but I did a pretty doomed to failure job the first few times. If your daughter is older enough and concerned in the order of it, let her.

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whenever she wishes to

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i started shaving when i was 12!so if you imagine that its really embarrassing and folks started to notice it agree to her SHAVE IT!

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When the hair become noticeable, or when she requests to. Let her do it on her own time table.

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When she feel like it! No idea to push it!I started shaving when I was 12 and I know ppl who don't shave because they don't perfectionism. When she wants to shave is the right age!

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I started shaving when I be about 10. I be an early bloomer, started my time of year that year too. My mom went through the roof when she found out. I ponder she thought that if she allowed me to shave that it was within some weird agency gonna make me want to enjoy sex. Not so at all.

When ever she is primed, expresses the desire she should be able to.

Buy a appropriate razor. I would not recomend dispoables. They are cheeply made, natural to cut with, and cost more within the long run. I use the gillette venus. It is slightly expensive and so are the replacement blades, but they are good.

An electric blade may be appropriate as well. Much harder to draw from cut with

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