Stomach pains...?

I've been have stomach problems for the past 2 weeks. It feel like i'm going to be sick but i never throw-up. My stomach doesnt hold any sharp pains for n e thing, It purely feels close to i'm going to get sick. I've taken a pregnancy question paper and it came stern negative, so i know im not prego...Ive go to the doctor and he put me on something that is for stomach ulcer and acid reflux disease, it hasnt help one bit, if anything its getting worse. He said if it deosnt get better after i need to travel back to hold test done...Nothing sounds upright, everything makes me want to throw up only even hearing going on for food. I can barely munch through, all ive be able to drink in a daylight is an over easy egg and a piece of toast...and when i do chomp through my stomach feels even more queezie. If it's not stomach ulcer or acid reflux disease afterwards what can it be? I need sustain... pleeease

Vaginal Itching really bad..?

i sometimes own a the same article just not as serious ive well-educated it was only something ether didnt settle wit my stomach or but mine i jusy had to revise to live wit but it mainly happends wen im nervious u could a moment ago be like seriously stressed out

Has anyone have these symptoms?/What do you think these symptoms are? Thank you.?

mine does that and my doc said it be ovaran cycst they suck if i can help IM me on yahoo or transport me and email

[email protected]

Premature Ovarian Failure and/or Thyroid Problems?

It could be a huge number of things. You should see your doctor again.

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