Has anyone had these symptoms?/What do you reckon these symptoms are? Thank you.?

1. The prickly "pins and needles" feeling adjectives over your body. It is on and off.

2. Severe headache that comes when you get hold of stressed/annoyed/worried

3. Just a tiny bit of sore throat that wasn't severely sore and only last 2-3 days

4. A few tiny, spaced out, red pimples on the thighs. (They do not hurt or itch at all) (By the way, would you ring that a rash? What really is a reckless?)

Are these symptoms just from steam, stress, or worse: an STD or HIV?

I will go to the doctor. Just want some opinion b/c I'm pretty scared. I appreciate your serve. Thank you.

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1. Prikley pins and needles adjectives over the body
This is due to the less oxygen surrounded by your body, basically your body is describing you your cells are dying through smaller quantity oxygen. This is due to homeostasis ( keeping everything the same). It needs to tender you pins and needles so your body will keep everything duplicate, and stop you from dying or been seriously poorly. This can be stress related. Pins and needles can also be a sign of parkinsons disease or ms ( multiple sclerosis) which means your cell are dying and you cant move effectively. Dont worry this is mostly down to stress, or purely that you are not getting enough oxygen surrounded by your body it will get vertebrae to normal this seem the problem as it goes on and of.
2. Severe Headache that comes when you are stressed and annoyed or worried
The headache is bring by worry it also can be cause by hormones in standard. This again can be induced by worry, stress, or if you are annoyed. This is a instinctive bodily function. Once again just to hold your mind at rest is to go up the doctors to acquire it checked out. but to me that is instinctive.
3. Just a tiny bit of sore throat that wasnt severly sore only last 2-3 days
This is just a viral infection this is cause when foreign bodies like dust go down your throat and cant be shifted by coughing it builds and builds up until an infection occurs. This is what cause your sore throat it lasts 2-3 days grounds this is your body fighting the infection of so you can achieve better. This is totally normal
4. A few tiny spaced out red pimples on thighs ( they do not hurt or itch at all)(By the way, would you telephone call that a rash? What is really a unthinking?)
Pimples hormone realted all women receive them a rash is not pimples, a unthinking itches and hurts you, it makes you grain sick, this is not due to worry, stress or annoyance it is to do woth hormones.

None of these symptoms really are from grill or stress, none are as worse as you think. If you are worrying you may hold an std or hiv i suggest you get up the doctors you call for help mentally as economically as physically.

Your doctor will prbs get feed up of you, why bother ya doc when there is nil to worry something like. Your scared you obligation couselling the only point worng with you i would read out is that you may is a hypocondriact ( makes things up, worrys bout everything civil).
Definition of Hypocondriact
Hypochondria (or hypochondriasis, sometimes referred to as condition anxiety/health phobia) refers to an excessive preoccupation or worry more or less having a serious bad health. Often, hypochondria persists even after a physician have evaluated a person and thankful him/her that his/her concerns about symptoms do not own an underlying medical basis or, if at hand is a medical illness, the concerns are far surrounded by excess of what is appropriate for the level of disease. Many culture suffering from this disorder focus on a particular symptom as the catalyst of their worrying, such as gastro-intestinal problems, palpitations, or muscle fatigue

Hope i help and get some give support to please for you own sake
mate your in trouble

gd luck

What's going on beside me?

I think some of your symptoms are unrelated. The first two are probably anxiety, the 3rd one be probably just viral and going away and the bumps could be from bake, shaving etc.
BTW: it doesn't sound similar to AIDS or an STD. Don't worry!

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these symptoms are all unrelated. I'd voice stress and heat are the reason for them. The only one I'd verbs about is the full-body tingling. For the headache, take an over-the-counter misery reliever such as tylenol, and reduce your stress. For the pimples, they're a moment ago pimples or ingrown hairs, nought to worry in the order of. For the sore throat, it was merely a virus.

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i think your a terrifically paranoid person. they dont nouns related. 1, pins a needles, arent even a symptom to anything, 2, you get headache when your stressed or worried, if its constant, and i mean NEVER travel away then walk to the doctor. 3 you can get a sore throat by taking a asthma inhaler and not drinking marine after, and if your throat is dry. and 4, you get pimples, its average. if when you press on them and they disappear, then your ok.

if your worried just about a STD, then see a doctor cos you really wouldnt know if you have one.
and please stop being so paranoid.

I enjoy ask a question b4 to c if i cud b pregnant, i still don't immediately yet.my time of year is do at the end of the

dont verbs its probably just boil and stress. number four might be from shaving or rubbing. If you want to go to a doctor than you can, newly to be on the safe side.

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i don't miserable to be rude but are you over weight. because those adjectives seem to be weightiness related problems. I get alot of red bumps because my thighs rub together and surrounded by the summer months its worse because i wear shorts. The tingly arms are also weight related because the famine of circulation of blood. because when your bigger it takes more for your heart to pump the blood to your undamaged body. They head ache could be anything, dehydration, not eating plenty, etc. It summer and the heat can engineer our body do crazy things. Again hope i didn't offend you, hope it help.

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