Has anyone gone through premature menopause or impulsive menopause?

My question is have anyone gone through premature natural menopause formerly the age of 40. Or early menopause, precipitate 40's? I'm really afraid because I'm 39 and since the age of 33 I've on and off have hot flashes, light period and then sometimes heavier. If you did stir through this did this age you a lot? I'm really worried because I've read this produces smaller amount collagen in the skin and thins your tresses. Especially when you go through menopause prematurely or impulsive. If anyone has gone through menopause surrounded by this way, do you be aware of it has aged you profusely? And what do you do when you reach menopause that's wholesome. Do you take anything or freshly do nothing?

Confused With Whats Happening?

My mom go through early menopause and she looks great for her age. It be rough for her at the time, but she made it through and you will too, but it didn't age her any more than normal.

Questions almost the first time.?

nope not me onli 13

A question more or less the day after pill?

My mother go through early menopause. She looks amazing for her age! It is believed she have polycysticovarysyndrome and that is why she have early menopause. She take care of herself though as rash menopause does have it complications.
1. She have an excellent relationship with her GP. Goes for adjectives her regular check ups ect.
2. She eats fish. Tuna, salmon sardines eeuuwww.
3. She exercises everyday. Walking or swimming or hose aerobics.
4. She takes fish grease tablets.
5. She has a in good health balanced diet.
Hope this help!

Is it alot?

I started symptoms at 38. By age 45 I was have major symptoms. They be driving me crazy, periods be very irregular, get flashes, night sweats, moody. Also completed up with fibroids. Because of the fibroids I go to my OB/GYN wanting a hysterectomy. He tried to talk me into have a partial because he said I was too infantile for a total because my ovaries would still be too big. Told him I'd been going through meno for several years and looked-for a total. (my family doc advise this because she knew nearly my symptoms). So I had the total. After the surgery he said my ovaries be almost non-existent because I was so far into menopause. He tried to win me to go on HRT because he said my symptoms would immediately get worse. My family connections doc said HRT is bad for you. So I refuse. My symptoms are now completely gone after have the hysto. No more hot flashes, moodiness, night sweats, and logically, no more periods. And I can't bring back cervical, uterine, or ovarian cancer now.
Now, have it aged me? Heck no. People say I look 10-15 years younger than my age and that I feat it also. I love life, enjoy lots of fun, and enjoy my children. I can still turn somersaults (backwards and forwards), work out, run a mile, put your foot 10 miles, etc, etc. I have no spike thinning problems. I take caution of my skin. I do take vitamins and devour right.
Hope this helps.

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