What do you honestly give attention to? Should I be worried??
Over a week ago I started my period but it was pretty much merely enough brown discharge to wear a pad and a bit of red but that's it though. The complete week that's all its been mostly of late brown discharge but not even that much at all. I had some red throughout the week too but not much adjectives all.
Now that its been at tiniest 9 days I still have this weird interval. I can get away with merely wearing a panty liner but there is enough discharge to stuff it though. I NEVER had a period resembling this before. Whats with adjectives this brown discharge?
Thanks in advance!
Answers: I would articulate you definitely are having a irregular term but I would still and see a doctor just to make sure everything is okay! Well I hope this help ya somewhat. Good luck!.
brown discharge= old blood
depending on how long youve had it, u could basically be irregular. if it goes on for much longer, see a doctor
I've taken 4 testing and the control rank shows up everytime but zilch appears surrounded by the results.
I'm curious nearly something?
Birth Control Lost??
Found a drop of blood contained by underwear!?
Whats going on near me?
Is it usual to hold tresses around the nipple and around the vigina?
Girls singular!! sorryyy guyss! What does "Guy earn his red-wings" expect?
Dark, sticky length 2 weeks after first term contained by going on for 3 months?