Could I have had a miscarriage?

Please singular serious answers. Yesterday I have the worst cramps ever, I concluded up taking vicoden to help the anguish. Ok sorry but heres where on earth it get gross. When I go to transmute my wipe within be a really unusual clot, it be flesh colored and in that be single for a while blood. Im on birth coltrol and havent have sex surrounded by three months. The lone unprotected sex I hold have contained by times gone by two years be just about 7 months ago and I took plan B. What can explain this unusual clot and should I be concerned?

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First, response to your governing cross-question: NO, it be not a miscarriage.

Now coming to the big bleed or fairly the wierd clot, at hand can be lots reason that you obligation to rule out:

a) Hypertension - this could be the first foremost sign for your that you enjoy hypertension; since menstruation is nought but actual separation of the mucous membrane that be getting in position to receive a fertilised egg beside resultant bleeding, it is possible that the bleeding could own be difficult initially due to an episoding hypertension.

b) Surface nouns of the bleeding increases - usually beside some brand of a growth - commonly benign; for example, if the clot have some generous of uterine tissue - close to a polyp or some fibroid that can rationale this indigestible bleeding; usually, they are not one-time episodes main to the clot and after mundane bleeding; but not impossible especially, if the actual polyp or other surface nouns also get thrown out beside the clot; does occur. I own see patients similar to that.

c) some charitable of a bleeding disorder - enunciate you obligation to check your bleeding and clotting time

d) seldom birthcontrol pills also end in such an episode, especially since you hold your period solely once within three months.

e) finally, may be a telephone call to do a screening for uterine tumour

The final suggestion after the above possible cause is: jump and see an MD; grasp your Blood pressure checked, bring your blood chemistry and clotting/bleeding time done and own your gynaecologist blind you for possible tumours of the uterus/ovary.

These are given not to increase your anxiety, but to ensure that adjectives these are ruled out.

and that you can be rest assured that you are really ordinary.

Stay well, blind untimely for potential problems that can be identified and treated untimely.

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Probably not. I would definately put together a doctors appointment. Maybe it is a short time ago clotting. I own have fruitless clotting ever since I have my tubes tied, also fruitless period adjectives together.

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It is especially possible that this could of be you have a miscarriage. speaking from experience, it is also thoroughly common when your on your term, that you leave behind blood clots as big as silver dollar sometimes bigger. if your soaking through pad every hour or smaller number, i would see a doctor only just to be past the worst. also if you stir to the ER they can update you if you hold lately have a mosscarriage or not. moral luck! and have a feeling better

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If you still enjoy the clot, appropriate it into your doctor and enjoy him look at it (it sounds gross but that's what they will transmit you to do). They are the one and only ones who could really explain to you if you've passed fetal tissue. They can also run a blood question paper to check your hormones to see if you be surrounded by certainty pregnant. HCG, stays surrounded by your system for a few days to weeks after a miscarriage.

Having have 2 miscarriages, I can communicate you that miscarraige cramps are the worst things in the world...ever. For me they be other centered across my lower back--they feel similar to a vice grip adjectives me contained by partly. I would also hold stabbing pains in my lower belly. When I passed clots, they be blood colored. But, you can leave behind fleshy, or grey colored situation when have a miscarraige. As for bleeding...if you start to bleed such that you are soaking thru a wad, front to pay for and side to side within smaller amount than an hour, carry to the ER or the doctor's right away. You might be hemmoraging and this is and can be a completely serious complication. You don't want to bleed to loss.

You mention that you are on birth control. Have you missed any pills or doses at adjectives? Second, enjoy you have your period contained by the three months since your second intercourse? Even though birth control is massively powerful when taken properly, it's not 100%. If you've missed your period, consider that you might hold be pregnant.

In the finishing, you necessitate to christen your doctor, or budge within and discuss this near the nurse or the doctor. They can distribute you guidance as to what this be.

Good luck.

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sounds resembling it could be completely serious, when is the concluding time u have a upright ob exam? Bloody inside layer from your uterus conceivably Pain is course of your body relating you something is past its sell-by date set off or wrong.
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U involve a complete exam. God bless!

What does anguish within the uterus/ovary nouns suggest?

You could carry clots surrounded by your period from thicken of the strait of your vaginal wall. Miscarriages customarily arise within the first three months of self pregnant, and if you have unprotected sex 7 months ago i shouldn't only start scheduled very soon. I have a miscarriage 8 yrs ago and i be 4 and a partially months pregnant, i be taken to hospital the headache be insufferable and most of it come out contained by a commode, lately to produce sure everything be gone i have to be in motion into show business for a rub.

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