Please comfort ! Am i going to start my length

im 13 and i think i may start my period soon. i own course slightly curly pubic hair and have to shave my underneath arms and legs regually. my breasts have been growing for just about 2 years now even though there with the sole purpose AA =[ but my mum doesnt have big boobs , and she started her periods around this time. i enjoy discharge for about 1 1 and a half years ! over the later 4 days its changed its thicker and and looks clearer. ive been very tired and slightly moody, im snapping and moaning for no reson , im usally massively calm and nice :( is this a sign i will start my peroid and should wear pant liners regually . when will i start ???

Answers:    its on its style

Just relax. If you go out, take along beside you, a new pair of underpants and a wad or tampon. (For beginners, I would use a pad) Usually, u will feel your underpants really wet. That is wat happen to me. I go to the bathroom and their's blood on my underpants! That is why u need the untried underwear. Go to the bathroom and change. If you don't wanna get a suprise at the supermarket or at the store, don't step anywhere. Stay home. At first, u will get it very restrained so there's nothing much for you to worry something like. Good luck and if incase it comes this week or later, Welcome to womanhood! lol take strictness
Yup! Have a pad/tampon with you wherever you travel (stick one in your purse...I find that's usually the most convenient) and be ready for it.

It's really impossible to report to when it'll show up. Your body is different than any other woman's body on the planet, so it will probably act different than any others'.

It *is* on its way! .
Yep, sounds close to you're going to get your period soon! Definitely avoid wearing intensely light colored pants and maintain some pantyliners handy. I would think it's coming soon since you're already 13. Just carry some protection near you always, that way when you do get hold of it you will be prepared!! .
some day. maybe 2 days or 3

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