What's the point of phasic birth control pills?

I was prescibed Triphasil, and I be wondering what the point of taking a phasic pill even is. I read it was supposed to simulate a raw menstrual cycle. Why would you want to do that when the pill is supposed to sabotage your menstual cycle? I don't doubt that it works.. but do they devise it's less of a shock to the body or something?

It won't progress it (sex problems)?

They simulate the hormonal changes of a regular menstrual cycle while suppressing your cycle by inhibiting ovulation. They are just supposed to mirror the majority hormonal changes you run through when not on the pills. I do not use them in any woman who have a strong complaint of PMS- single strength pills work better for these women.

Fainting with term.?

it induce natural mc but near is no ovulation.

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