I am 9wks and 5 days preg. tomorrow going to my first ob appt.?

okay i know im late on seeing my ob but this be the soonest the could get me within and then they have to reschedual my appt. due to a scare i already have an ultrasound of my little mouse. what can i expect them to do at my first ob appt. what type of questions should i ask..

Answers:    you can expect a pap smear, a breadth of your belly and alb work to make sure you do not hold Aids or anything else. Also a finger prick to check your iron. Congrats on your pregnancy.
Expect to be tested for various diseases, pap smear, and plentifully of patient lessons and teaching. Hope you enjoy a safe and wholesome pregnancy. They will also test your blood level such as hemoglobin, hematocrit, and folic acid. They will also ask just about your medical history, family situation, any any other info about the papa. Be economically and take meticulousness of you and the little bun in the oven! Ask things approaching what foods should you avoid, what can you do to maintain a in shape pregnancy, what should you expect in the 2nd trimester, and if you're have morning sickness ask if they know of any ways to alleviate it. At 9 weeks there's not too many question that need to be asked, lately the basic ones. They'll do a pap smear if you haven't have one recently, check for STDs and draw 5 or 6 vials of blood. You might also ask nearly genetic testing if you're surrounded by a high risk group and ask what you should expect to come up between now and your subsequent appointment. Good luck!
Actually 9 wks isn't late. My Dr doesn't see patients until 10 wks unless you are have a problem. They take blood, you will pass them urine. You will be weighed. You will be given a nonspecific physical...including a pap and pelvic exam. You should also be given a list of dos and don'ts. Last but not least possible a prescription for pre-natal vitamins.

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