Large Breasted Women.?

Sorry, I wanted to carry your attention. A friend told me that bustier women should wear a bra to bed all the time. I find it severely uncomfortable to wear one adjectives night, I'd much to some extent "let them loose" for awhile, but she told me they'll hold on to their shape longer if I wear one. Any input from some other "well endowed" women? Any other tips? Serious responses simply please. My husband already offered to hold them all hours of darkness...anything to help he say LOL.

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I'm a 34D, and I have hear the same entry so I tried it. It was too discomfited. I even tried a sports bra, now I sleep on my side near a pillow between my breasts and its great.

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this is an weak myth!
lol. wearing a bra at night merely gives u grades around ur chest area...

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I suggest to let your boobs rest, don't bother to wear a bra to practically wear one the together day! And it's not similar to you're going to LOSE your boobs if you don't wear one.

Or..if you are insisted on wearing one to bed, try getting a nice silk bra with none of those plastic outline thingys or cushion in them...something that u won't awareness. I have one, but I never wear it but the closing time I did I didn't know it was at hand.

If you are a day from your spell, can you start taking the pill again for a few days, or is it too late?

I honestly don't cogitate it will make that big of a difference if you wear a bra!

It will newly make you unconfortable.

Thats not perfect for you anyway.

It will do very little.

The most important thing that change shape is breast feeding and aging.

Pleaseonly girls?

it is not a problem it is better to wear a bra or u can some bust creams to shape it up which will relief u as u say u shouldnt wear bra at hours of darkness which will not allow blood circulation properly so better use a bust cream dear

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Your friend is lying by telling you that it's best to wear bras to bed and that it'll hold on to their shape for longer. Wearing your bra to bed does nothing except constrict your breasts. It's mortified and best to just permit them be free and breathe while you sleep.

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Ask your friend where she get that from. I ask my doctor recently and she say that wearing a bra to sleep wont change the shape your boobs are going to be. She also suggested that its a moral idea to sleep short one cause it allows your lymph system to breathe. Besides, gravity happen to everyone someday. No bra is going to stop that :)

Could he have???

as you put it "tolerate them loose". sleeping with a bra is drastically uncomfortable and you will enjoy marks on your body from the bra. wearing one adjectives night is a myth and will not give support to them keep their shape. your friend is not unfolding you the truth.

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