Why am i on my time of year STILL?

I just started my birth control 2 months ago, the 1st and second month my period be fine. But this month i have be on my period for 2 weeks. I still hold cramps, and i am bleeding really heavy. Could it be possible to be pregnant? Or could it lately be the birth control messing with me?

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I reckon you need to see your doctor and try some other option as this is not the way appear with pills. First of adjectives birth control pills help you gain solidity and reduces extent flow. Sometime birth pills are used to reduce thickset period. Two weeks long term does not sound unprocessed. Long duration of period can grounds anemia so you have to conduct yourself fast and call in your doctor for further advise Spartan

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That does not sound regular. Usually women on birth control pills get lighter and shorter period, and they gain weight. 2 weeks is emphatically not good for your body. See a doctor asap!

Do you weigh more?

that is ot moral. so go to your ob/gyn

Anyone have a colposcopy?

You need to give the name your gynecologists A.S.A.P. He/she will be able to check you for any possible cause.

I was told that a week after have sex a females vagina would go put money on to normal. True or not?!?!?

Hmmm i'd budge and see your doc/gyn sounds a lil un-natural to me.

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