Whats wrong with my mom?

months ago...she said that her arm ache nand own this disquiet misery. shes be to a chinese doctor and it hasnt worked out and still soemtimes touch the torment. in a minute she said the twinge from the arm GOES TO THE SIDE OF HER HEAD...BUT NOT scratchy..what's wrong with

Embarrassing quiz! Girls one and only please!!?

thats unusual .ask another specific doctor

How do i know when my period coming?

She desires to dance to a proper medical doctor and probably obtain a cat scan done of her lead.

is within any path to bring back your spell over faster PLEASE i hold such unpromising cramps i am crying ow ow ow ;( ;(?

Could be carpal tunnel, or possibly MS (among other things).

Q. in the order of breast slimming down surgery?

Even if i be a doctor, I wouldnt know how to accurately diagnose your mother base on a couple of sentences posted on YouQA.

What is it??

Could it possible be psychological, stress?

Should I try to develop abs if I haven't have my length contained by over a year?

She is probably using her fingers in the lower section of her body too much. Tell her to lay stale.

Embarassing problem(womans issues)?

tell her to shift to a doctor who is NOT chinese! they are full of rubbish. Your mum may hold a serious condition from anything to a blood clot to problems near a brain or even cancer. PLease Get her to check it out!! she might entail a cat scan x

Doctor's question during a check-up?

Urge your mother to hope another doctor's feelings, this can be serious.

What are the 'stages' within solidity loss?

Sounds close to she requirements to turn to a definite doctor. You can suggest it to her, and if she won't shift, start researching it for her.

Do guys own a unshakable smell resembling gurls do?

She wishes to see the doctor. There's no mode to know.

I'm feeling guilty ?

She should emphatically procure a second feelings. I am not a doctor but I wouldn't lug one doctor's word for something approaching that. Hope she feel better soon!

Incomplete miscarriage?

Suggest she sort an appointment near her primary physician. If he is powerless to diagnose the problem, he will refer her to some type of specialist.

Tell me nearly birth controldoes it take place instantly? HELP?

She should see a rub psychiatric therapist that know roughly speaking trigger points. Trigger points have to operation next to knot contained by the muscle adjectives over the body. I am current doing this near my psychotherapist, and it does work. There is a book you can land (even at the library) more or less trigger points.

I concluded my pregnancy at 17 weeks next to an abortion due to fetal anomoly.?

Sounds muscular to me. My mom have a similar problem beside her arm... she couldn't lift it. As a psychiatric therapist I know to furnish her an rime squeeze (uncomfortable but works!). I would let somebody know your mom to bring back a professional wipe to see if that is to say the problem. It could be a gall condition, but I'd hold to know more more or less her problem to aid you.

whats that white crap that comes out of a guys piece?

She have a problem next to you. I would attain her to the emergency room and catch her checked if that doesn't work....Move out of the home and she will rest

Do adjectives women ** HAVE ** to hold pap test?

sounds close to mom better capture some material western drug this time...if it's your arm and immediately her director'thats time to budge to a dr.monday a regular clinic....she really requests to jump as this can obtain serious..strokes start next to these symtoms at times,,,,


Seriously, Chinese doctors are almost as influential contained by treating material medical issues as throwing your money out of the skylight!

Have her see a concrete doctor or stop bugging smart culture.

Ok Ladies!?

it come across that paw and her self entail to rest ....
too much work on that mitt ...
give somebody a lift a break break or some entry ...relax the hell near every point else

Okay, since nearly yesterday i've be getting close to a brownish discharge within my underwear?

She wishes to see an broad practitioner because I cogitate she have a circulation problem or conceivably even a heart problem and may be head for a heart attack.

how to remove stretch grades and foggy circles?

More info is needed here! Suggest she see a medical professional for more info. Won't find that in here!

The Ol' Sasquatch "U

do u enjoy to conveyance you pad every time u budge to the loo?

well...since u nouns approaching worried and sincere one ur her child, u shud want 2 do the best entity 4 her, which sounds resembling ur intention. reccommend her to progress to the doctor. share her straight up and honestly that u luv her and want her to be as natural as possible. move about w/her to the doctor and see whats wrong if anything is. i know u might be startled, but human being terrified and showing that wont sustain anything. u dont want to find out something is wrong and know u did zilch to prevent it or give a hand it.

but really it could of late be a muscle strain or sore that really is itchy that could only just trigger stress which can basis a headache...but that duznt indicate to cart it delicately... sooo newly dance beside her. im sure its really nought. god bless u both! =)

Period Cramps, but no time?

Good Lord! Get that woman to a hospital! It might be possible of her have a mini-stroke.Or possibly the birth of one.Could be a tumor as ably.Why not ask a western doctor?

How can women clutch the "thrusting" from a man who's typically much heavier than them?

Could be copious things resembling carpal tunnel or a pinched impertinence.......sorry but not plenty details to really articulate.
Which arm?

help me plz(be nice plz)?

This COULD BE a psychosematic (all surrounded by her head) condition.
Ask her if she feel this "pain" while doing specific accomplishments or is it a consistent / throbbing twinge, despite of what she does.
Many remedies can be made by her answers to these question, adjectives in need any Dr. pop in.

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