Scared of exercising in public?

So it's been 7 years since I've done big school p.e. (uni student now) and I'm not super overweight (but want to lose 15 lbs).
My boyfriend keep pushing me to go to the gym or uni pool to workout but I am completely horrified/disgusted at the perception of working out in a sweaty, overcrowded, loud gym with skinny girls and veiney-muscled guys surrounding me. I own a medical condition that makes me sweat profoundly (hyperhydrosis) so this is another thing that make me too self-conscious to work out in a public setting approaching this.
We thought swimming would be better...we went to the pool today, where on earth I realised that in establish to get from the women's coppers room to the pool, I'd have to amble through a very sympathetic, public area (where the registration desk, doors, and everything are), which is usually packed to the gunwales with fully-clothed ancestors, and I'd just be wearing my bathing suit--all to take to the pool. I was disgusted at the thought, and wouldn't do it.
Any ideas for FUN, non-intimidating exercises? thx

Pubic fuzz shaving?

Do yoga, Pilate's or aerobics. These are all things that you can do in your own home.

I'm exactly duplicate when it comes to gyms.

Yet another ovulation question?

Wear a robe over your suit until you gain to the pool.


you could join curves for woman or you could buy a tredmill so you could work out at home .

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First of adjectives, if your hyperhydrosis is severe enough that you are ashamed or self concise then here are treatments for it for example "botox" injections into the armpits. And for the exercise, start simple brisk walks next to short spurts of jogging. If you approaching music, bring along an mp3 with your favorites on. Don't achieve discouraged, if you really want to loose some weight, build exercise an everyday activity! Good Luck

What to do?

have you ever tried bikram/hot yoga? Its done surrounded by a hot room so everyone is sweating for the full hour. I don't know a lot give or take a few your condition, so not sure if that much heat is risk-free for someone like you, but if it is, you should clearly try it.
It also helps you detox and lose counterbalance faster because of all the sweating. Just be sure to drink lots of marine and take it slow the first couple times. Good luck!

Is near anything that i can buy or do to make my boobs bigger? [without plastic surgery] close to natural stuff?

I work out several hours a morning, and fall into the category of the "veiney-muscled guy". That mortal said, you are to be commended for taking the first steps to being vigorous. Don't be so self conscious, there are worse things than what some brainless citizens think, they are usually the ones who hold to pick on others to boost their own self esteem. I really don't thing anyone will bother you, or stare...etc. If the do, IGNORE it. Don't consent to anyone deter you from a sexier you. You will feel better physically, and for the sweating, only get some towels from the desk, for adjectives anyone else is concerned, you are just working firm. Good luck to you.

Is loosing your sex drive dangerous?

Is within a "Planet Fitness" near you?

They produce a big deal in the region of being for average society working out, not a gym for super athletes.

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