What could facilitate me next to my menstrual crumps, except for meds...? any demanding food? or sth else?

Answers:    Try a heating wipe or taking a warm tub. Also you can try getting into a comfy position in bed or on the couch and try to survey a good movie.

For other accepted wisdom, this website is really good for finding unconscious remedies for cramps. Good luck!
B vitamins can help. Exercise help. Start walking 30-60 minutes a day. If you can't do 30, start beside a trip around the block and work up from there. The exercise today will assist with cramps subsequent month. I don't know why this is. go pocket a nice hot bath.
enjoy a hot pake ready
Taking a hot hip bath always help with my worst cramps
If you cut down on the aromatic foods a week or so before your extent starts
But a heating wipe on your stomach
Bananas Help for menstrual cramps

well for me i bring a nice hot bath and relax, and heat if really bad, drinking lots of hose and cranberry juice help me out. not alway making go away but really reduce the cramps. Bananas and the heating wipe :-)
I don't know about food one of any help, but patently hot baths,
heating pad, and if you can, try to get some exercise within because
that usually helps loosen up any clots that as a rule cause women
to own bad cramps. I also foundd out that have relations with my husband would tend to lend a hand relieve bad cramps, as very well, without have to even take Tylenol, Pamprin or Midol. If you own cramps quite regularly with your period, you should see a doctor to make sure everything is okay. Constant cramping every month can
be a sign that something is wrong and a doctor can give a hand you.
*Relax muscles.
*Take a hot bath or place a hot dampen bottle on your stomach and lower back.
*Breathe richly and listen to soothing music.
*Get some exercise. Swimming and walking are good because they are peaceable and non-stressful.
*Avoid standing for long periods of time if your lower fund hurts.
*Massage your lower back to relieve stiffness and pain.
*Eat calcium-rich foods such as yogurt or leafy green vegetables.
*Monitor your intake of saline, sugar and caffeine.
*Take calcium and magnesium supplements to relax muscles and provide pain nouns.
*Add a high potency B-complex vitamin to your diet. Vitamin B6 is especially vital, but take no more than 100 mg per hours of daylight.
*Try herbal supplements such as viburnum opulus or cramp bark for cramping nouns.

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