Female "down there" problem...?

Serious answers only...I'm freaking out!

Alright...in the region of a week ago I started itching "down there" and noticed white discharge. Now nearby's a sensative bump on the tip of the inside lip. On the inside lip is another bump...and all of it is still itching/burning on and bad.

During this discovery I had my time of year. I don't know if this matters, but--I be in and out of the the deep that entire week and wasn't able to verbs down there because no shower be available.

What is this? Is it happening because I wasn't competent to shower?

I have never have sex before so I hold no idea how it could be herpres but I'm anxious to death that it is.

Please oblige!! What do I do?


My sister needs a breast cut rate, but she is afraid to lose sensation in her nipplesdo you other lose?

it could be a urinary track infection or a yeast infection which comes from not being verbs. you should go see a doctor. polite luck to u =)

Need more energy?

Go to your doctor. Since it have to do with a sexual nouns, they are forbidden by law to enlighten anyone (including your family) about you self there. The look in will almost always be free.

My boobs are tender.anything to abet the pain?

give your doc a telephone call

Why have my breasts stopped developing (NO GUYS PLZ)?

you should see a doctor

I grain like I own an ugly vagina.. I be a sign of I have see others on web sites.. I basically don't know if mine is.

If you have never have sex, you need not verbs about it individual an STD, It is NOT. Just go see your doctor and he will luxury your mind

Do i need the morning after pill (emergency contraceptive)?

You probably own a yeast infection. Try Monistat or something like that. If it doesn't have a feeling better in a couple of days see your doctor.

How long after taking Provera will you seize your period?

go see a doctor and communicate them everything that you just told us, and they'll narrate you what's up.

What can i do to stop mensuration period?

ok... since you enjoy never had sex, its impossible for it to be an SDT.
Unless you enjoy crabs. you can contract crabs from a public restroom and crabs itch like crazy. Crabs also burrow themselves surrounded by your skin which causes bumps. You want to see your doctor.
I'm not saying you hold crabs but its possible.

It would be something or it could be your paranoia kicking in. Wait to see if it goes away contained by a day or two. If not, move about to your DOCTOR ASAP!!

Birth control?

Go to the doctor! Right away.

I have this really unnatural craving for sex like i can't grasp enough is this majority or not please help me?

"contained by and out of the ocean" did you wipe after you pee or did you just pee within the ocean?!(thanks for the extra pollution)you have no access to fresh water not even a sink to dry-clean up in?! okay i hope you learned your lesson and will bring some wet~naps on the subsequent trip.

Or you could have gotten some sand contained by there, freshly let it stay. Give it a few years contained by a small, wet, thaw out place and you will have yourself your immensely own pearl!!

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