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I'm only twenty but I am so tired adjectives the time.

It doesn't matter how much sleep I take I always get the impression exhausted throughout the day.

Any suggestions on why this is and how to pound it?

Your post pregnancy bodylove it or hate it?

Fatigue and nouns are two of the signs of vitamin B12 deficiency. Eat more foods rich contained by this vitamin.:

Beef, liver, yeast, eggs, milk, cheese and fish, kidney and pork.

If you are a vegetarian and own excluded milk and dairy products from your diet you definitely obligation multivitamin supplementation. Go get yourself some multi B vitamins from the chemist. Buy multi B tablets next to all the B complex of vitamins included: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12. Don't buy the B group of vitamins individually as they work best syngeristically (as a group). Expect to wages around $30.00AUD for about 125 tablets (4 months supply). Dont buy the synthetic tablets, the really cheap ones, as they are scandalously hard to digest.

Other symptoms you may be suffering?

-: Depression, headache and migraines, dizziness, irritability, moodiness, inability to concentrate, head and appendage sweats, chest pains and heart palpitations, nausea and vomiting, numbness, prickling and tingling in the outer extremities (arms, hands, legs and feet), constipation and insomnia!! Not enormously pretty is it?!!

The best part is that if you follow my proposal you'll be relieved of your symptoms really quickly!! Really and truly it is that simple.... I know how confident it is to jus grab something fugitive but unless you try to include either supplementation or the abovementioned foods you will undoubtedly verbs to suffer your exhaustion. I enjoy 3 school age children and minus fail respectively and every time one of them has tummy sting, headache, too tired to do anything etc.etc.etc. they've been ditching their lunch and buying rubbish resembling pies and chips at school!!

Hey, cheer up, turn have a ham and cheese wholegrain sandwich and a cup of milk or milk alternative and jus notice the difference!!


Help.. please? solidity related.?

eat healthier


Look at your diet, look at what you do in the past going to bed, drink plenty of water and exercise. Don't forget to mollycoddle yourself.

Are you feeling low, depressed?

You could be anaemic. Talk to your doctor.

Breast discharge but not pregnant!?

Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of sea.
Eat more protein and less sugary foods.
Get yourself on a sleeping programme and keep that rota for a while.
Exercise at least three times a week.
Those things help me.

Do you ovulate while on the pill?

Could be one of the two:
Either u have gone at rest - sluggish,
U are anaemic.

Get ur Blood Haemoglobin checked, quite glib and inexpensive.

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