I own no clue if you guys can help me or not. i involve an anwers. to know more about my body. is it run of the mill to?

be haveing a light blood after your prieod is over? if it is what does it be determined? i had my prieod on the 10, still own one but its not heavy at adjectives its really light no cramp at all. appreciation for you'll anwer an all the assist you can give me appreciation.

I still get discharge after I've have my period for 6 months?

A small amount may be ordinary. It depends on what you normally experience?

Bad spell pain but no length?

Yeah it's just the closing bit of blood making it's way out. That discharge is conventional. Just use a little panty liner and it should be over in a few days.

Sex Question!?!?

Women's bodies are so complex and here are so many factor that should probably be considered. I know that age is important, I contemplate that pre-menopausal women may experience abnormalities within their periods, probably it is a sign of undiagnosed endometriosis, see a doctor and put your mind to rest. I usually consult my book "Our Bodies Ourselves." Perhaps there is a website. -My best, well-mannered health.

Women or guys, it don't issue?

If you are quite childlike (early to mid teens), then irregular period are pretty normal, as your body is still getting use to regulating your homonal level correctly. This means your period might be longer/shorter, heavier/lighter or sooner/later than what you expected. These kind of problems usually sort themselves out by your past due teens.
However some women do still get irregular period. This may simply be normal for them, or some shift in their existence may have triggered it. Changes within your diet, exercise and stress levels can adjectives affect your periods. Sometimes your body might freshly have the occassional hormone glitch once every in a minute and again.
If the bleeding is light and stops soon, dont verbs too much (stressing about period can cause problems beside them!). If it continues to happen, especially if the bleeding become heavy, see a doctor. You may enjoy an underlying medical condition which they can treat, or you may be prescribed the birth control pill. The pill regulates and controls your period, and masses women take it for this grounds.
Best of luck, I hope I helped you infer and dont worry too much for the time human being!

Endomitriosis and emergency contraception (morning after pill) concern?

To have a lantern amount of blood after the period is supposed to be over should be evaluated by a dr to be on the not detrimental side because sometimes spotting can be an indication of an infection.

IntrinsaDoes Intrinsa Help Cure Female Sexual Dysfunction?

If you are quite childish (early to mid teens), then irregular period are pretty normal, as your body is still getting use to regulating your homonal level correctly. This means your period might be longer/shorter, heavier/lighter or sooner/later than what you expected. These kind of problems usually sort themselves out by your belated teens.
However some women do still get irregular period. This may simply be normal for them, or some conversion in their energy may have triggered it. Changes surrounded by your diet, exercise and stress levels can adjectives affect your periods. Sometimes your body might merely have the occassional hormone glitch once every very soon and again.
If the bleeding is light and stops soon, dont verbs too much (stressing about period can cause problems next to them!). If it continues to happen, especially if the bleeding become heavy, see a doctor. You may own an underlying medical condition which they can treat, or you may be prescribed the birth control pill. The pill regulates and controls your period, and frequent women take it for this drive.
Best of luck, I hope I helped you work out and dont worry too much for the time human being!

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