Meds affecting birth control....?

Ok I know for a fact that antibiotics greatly stifle the effectiveness of birth control...raison d`??tre it happened to my sister...

All my doc have ever told me was in the order of the antibiotics but are there any other meds (prescription & non) that do also? I've be battling next to a cold/sinuses/allergies all week & have be taking either Claritin or Sudafed. Do those affect it at adjectives?

I'm always extra alert but I just want to kind double sure just so that I'm more informed......

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Claritin or Sudafed should be fine. Some other meds that can affect the pill are:
-Oral Antifungals (Think diflucan or other yeast infection drugs... vaginal antifungals like Monistat are okay)
-Some sedatives

While these medicine have adjectives been shown to affect how the pill absorb in your body, they may or may not money how effective the pill is. So it's compassionate of a "Rather safe than sorry" sort of situation... they probably won't hurt the pill's value, but heck, a week's worth of condom use is still cheaper than a kid.

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The only entity I've heard of save for antibiotics is St. John's Wort.

I take cold and allergy meds all the time and it have never affected my BC.

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The only ones I'm aware of are some antibiotics.

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No, those won't dull the effectiveness. Anti-biotics do and so does the over the counter St. John's Wort.

What do you ladies, or Gynecologists ponder of?

Any meds that will change the efficacy of the pill hold to be labeled as such. Antihistamines and Decongestants are fine. Check with your pharmacist if you hold any questions and other read the labels.

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no other medication to my knoledge has a drug interaction alarm, just the antibotics. i wouldnt verbs about the OTC medicine. good luck & be risk-free

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Seizure medications will also affect birth control. My sister is pregnant next to her second child because of this. : )

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I have well-read through my career is that any anti- anything will effect them including anti-biotics anti-virals and other things along that splash. I have never hear of over the counter medications interact beside BC but any questions ask your pharmacist.

Tips for powerful BC: Take everyday at the same time. And REMEMBER!!

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