Pregnant, doctors no help, should i just wait?

please give me your best warning.
I am 21 and living in spain and am 12 weeks pregnant. This will be my 2nd child. Spanish care is pretty much like peas in a pod but apparently my hospital is so buisy that i can not get a scan untill i will be 20 weeks!
I devise this is rediculous but all my doc have done is apoligise and say that this is not run of the mill but there is zilch she can do about it.
I perceive let down and am wondering weather to compensate out for private care even though i can not aford it.
I own also been told that as my scan is so far away i do not stipulation to see my doc until after.
What should i do?
Please help.

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pay out for private carefulness to get an thought if any abnormality

Unsteady period..?

I would desire alternative help - i.e. disgusting and unacceptable - anything could crop up in that time!
Can you see another doctor for a second assessment?
Good luck you poor thing!

What are the probability??

is there any other Dr. that you could move about to ?

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I am not sure what scan you are referring to, but guess that you are conversation about an ultrasound. If so, rest assured. Ultrasounds enjoy only become routine in the US in times gone by 15 years or so.

I have three daughters, who are very soon 19, 17, and 14 years old. I never have an ultrasound with the first two pregnancies. and when they suggested it for the third.. I be alarmed. I didn't know that ultrasounds were considered a routine procedure.

A few weeks subsequent than when you anticipated this being done is really okay, unless in that is a valid medical reason that it should be done faster.

What happens if i bring my period when i am on my 3rd week of birth control pills?

If you be aware of OK and every thing is other astute fine you had no problem beside first delivery afterwards you should not wary.

At five month 20 weeks child is well developed and doctor can convey more.

Ask your self why you want to see a doctor?

Depending on the answer you will be able to determine. If you want to see a private doctor or not. Do you own any problem?

If the answer is yes spend the money, or inform this present doctor.

Did you have a private doctor ultimate time?

Do you have familial doctor?

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