I'm going crazy! I was devotedly on birth control pill and no period and Dr did blood theory test and not pregnant?!


Could use some vagina advice!?

Read the box insert on your BCPs and usually they tell you that at times you may miss a time, but as long as you have taken the pills reliably, it's pretty much zero opening you're pregnant.Especially if you've had a unenthusiastic blood test.You hear seriously of people getting pregnant on the pill, but plentiful of them are lying about skipping pills.Others seize pregnant because certain antibiotics spawn them less decisive, or because maybe they be sick with vomiting and/or diarrhea.

Bleeding after sex??

It could be your nerves! Heck you're frightening me! Check the dosage on your pill also. Could you renovation to another form for a month or so? If pregnancy is giving you such a scare, consider economy for a while. Unless there's a subconscious grounds you are entertaining the thought of pregnancy.

My period singular lasted two days?

How long have it been since your time of year? I always capture scared too when it's individual a few hours late, and final month it came two days unsettled but it still came. Unless it's be like a week or something, lurk a few more days and see if it comes.

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