Can oral and fingering delay extent?

i`m wondering if oral and fingering delay period. my boyfriend just started fingering and performing oral on me just now. it isn't suppose to be my period moment even so, but i`m just asking ahead of time. does it affect my menstrual interval if those are done? my period usually start around 13th-18th. if he fingers or carry out oral on me near the 13th, will that stoppage my period?
gratefulness. :)


Can 'the pill' make you corpulent?

It won't affect your period any way. It's adjectives connected to ovulation, and that's controlled by hormone levels not behavior.

50 on friday?


I am a girl, but I'm really towering. I feel approaching everyone looks at me like I'm a freak. comfort?

no it wont delay anything

Breasts enlarged?


How can you shorten you're extent?

Ohhh no. your going to give birth to a thumb

Is she still a virgin?


Is this a preganancy sign?

I don't expect so but oral while on period is call RED WINGS

For women who have have breast implants, how do doctors travel about doing a breast scan?

No it doesn't deferment your period. Unless he's using more than his finger and next you need a pregnancy theory test.

Do guys have period?

Kids these days.

HPV and Guardasil?

No, it shouldn't. Unless he doesn't rinse his hands first and cause an infection or something, but that seems unlikely

Is masturbation, within this day contained by age, really a 'sin'?

Nope. You will still be getting a visit from Aunt Flo.

Could it be something else?

no my dear

55minutes behind schedule?

No that would not effect it at all. Having sex generally does not effect your menstrual period. Its when a penis is used and no protection you risk pregnancy that would throw past its sell-by date your period unmistakably. Having oral sex and fingering would not obviously bring in you pregante. So NO you should be fine don't stress it.

Am I normal?

Nope! it absolutely will not.

Stress, too much exercise, and pregnancy can delay it.. but what you mentioned will not.

Why do women shave their private portion,it looks like she is a child?

Simply put, no.

Don't you ponder periods involve a start/stop key?

Not tryin to nouns rude, but if your not sure weather foreplay and oral can cause a length delay.. consequently in my oppinion your too infantile to even be doing these interactions with your boyfriend and probably necessitate to relax and grow a little more up to that time doing so. The most you can do is at LEAST read up on this sheesh, you should know what this can cause. Looks resembling the only point your worried about is a unpunctually period, very well my friend oral can cause herpes. YES it can. read up on it. If he have herpes simplex 1 and gives oral on you , you can gain herpes simplex 2 by contact. please be more concerned about what this cause and not silly things like can it lead to a later interval...think .. for your own robustness

Can we do sex at the time of mensus?


How long does it take for the birth control pill to wear rotten?

No. It won't delay a spell. However, having an orgasm while you own your period might comfort with cramps.

My girl say that she can only orgasm when I enter her uterus. Is this possible?

next time a short time ago suck his fingers

EMERGENCY HELP needed please?

Yes.. I'm going to say that because everyone else here is really missing some points even the medical student... stay in institution doc... you missed a major component of the merciful's condition.

You're forgetting some basic psychological rules we're. First of adjectives you just outset into sexual exploration. The guys doing things to you that you've never had done. This can be extremely stressful while exciting. And that in itself can stoppage your period. As a issue of fact it's not unusual for women that first experience sexual stiffness to get deeply stressed out. This can definitely head to a period or two missed.

The body is extremely reactive and any stress or rude changes can clearly draw for women's period. This is ordinary and a protective component of one's body.

It used to the new sensations. surrounded by one of your other questions you said you be bleeding because your boyfriend was fingering you... this evidently added stress to your situation.

Be patient here stay hushed and your cycle will return

Advice Man
published author about human sexuality

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