I am a girl, but I'm really elevated. I feel approaching everyone looks at me like I'm a freak. assistance?

I'm 5'9. I feel really akward, because race seem to look at me approaching I'm a freak. Also, the guys in my class are taller than average, but I'm still the 3rd tallest in the order. Help?

Tall? Dark? and Handsome?

toma-chan, you have nought to worry in the region of!omg, sweetie, please don't feel so insecure something like your height! i wud only have to ask what age you are? cuz i be verrrry tall when i be young, approaching i used to feel that i be an alien or something, cuz i my twin sister was 5 inches shorter than me, and at the distance from the ground of everyone else. and boys.don't even get me started! i wud stand at the equivalent increase of the guys in my class, or some would be shorter. but immediately i'm in highschool, and everyone admire my height. i'm 5'9 right in a minute too. but when i was 5'6 within like the 7th position, i wud be insecure! but ppl looooove and want to be so tall. you shud be a model, no, you dont even enjoy to be a model, you can just look approaching one. and with your increase, i think that you shud be confident contained by yourself.
i was soooo insecure more or less my height, i used to stand 4-6 inches above my friends, and feel a little not here out sometimes. heck, once someone took a picture of me and my friends, and my head be cut out cuz i was so darn soaring! lols. but now, i come to realize that my largeness is sometihng that is precious...sometime i even wear highheeled shoes and i stand at 6'0.

anyways, the bottom splash is: girl, don't be worried about it!

Water reduced my each day vaginal discharge?

Well, you can't shrink yourself.

Just love yourself how you are.

Is this too much ?

You are tall, adopt it. learn to revel contained by it, the rest will catch up. My wife is 5'9" as capably. Unless you are a 6th grader, don;t worry just about it.

Really embaressing problem.. HELP!?

I myself am very high for a girl. It was sturdy finding a guy that was taller than me for a while. I of late couldn't date any one that was shorter than me. Don't verbs about it, they will corner up. Take advantage of the things your height above sea level gives you..I be always the one within the family that my mom call on when she needed something up high. Now that I am an fully developed, my height comes contained by handy at the work place.. Also I found the man of my dreams and he is taller than me....

The Pill?

hey, flaunt it. im short and i would love to be tall. if you walk around hunched over next that would make you look resembling you are ashamed and then individuals will stare. it is also not good for your support to walk around slouched similar to that. since there is zilch you can do about it next you should just perform like you love it-and next you will love it.

models have to be tall

airline attendants hold to be tall. you own to be above a certain height above sea level.

you will probably never be turned away from a roller coatser ride.

you can always realize the highest shelf.

and remember, this isn't a bleak thing. it isn't a curse or a flaw, it is a stage. no one will thinking, and if they do i will beat them up. if anyone tease you about it, a short time ago hold your head up giant and pretend you didn't even hear it.

you will make a great basketball player in the future. :)

Is it true that if you've always have saver stomach-ache during periods that after you hold a child it gets better?

be obliged that you arent 6'3" like my friend be...she was stuck beside it just resembling you are

Hey Girls..?


LEXAPRO && Sex Drive Decrease?

I know EXACTLY how you feel sweetie. I'm 5'11. Don't verbs about it, once you go and get out of the awkward stage of your tallness, you'll revise to embrace it. Show off your long lean body, I LOVE wearing shorts in the summer to show stale my legs! The guys love it! If you have anymore Tall poeple question, you can email me! I can boost that confidence no problem!
Also: who are the tallest most beautiful women ever? MODELS! We're so lucky we enjoy that opportunity open to us!

BIRTH CONTROL give support to!!!?

im tall to but relatives always extol that. im like the tallest surrounded by my grade. try varying your hairstyle. your hair should be shoulder lenght.

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