Is masturbation, here day contained by age, really a 'sin'?

My mother, an avid believer in the Catholic religion, had no problem beside the fact I've have premarital sex in the recent past. In fact it didn't even phase her because surrounded by her mind, "Everyone does that."
Today I went to the shopping precinct, and I bought myself a "personal massager". No fancy bells and whistles or anything, lately an average vibrating toy. When I be throwing away the packaging she saw what the box said and be like, "What's that for?"
I told her I spend greatly of time on the computer so I need to stroke my neck, which is benign of actually true. Then she threw a fit and go into a rage in the region of "sin" and all this other "I can't set free your soul" kind of refuse.
I will let you know I myself am an atheist, and seriously, folks, can this be considered a sin if I've already have sex and she doesn't care?

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Well it depends on the entity. One person may guess masturbation is sinful while another person wouldn't. Catholics would definetly believe it to be unholy. For an athiest, it probably isn't.

You should be fine as long as you don't grasp caught by your mother. That would be horribly embarassing.

Ok help ppl?

No and its worthy for you .learn how your body works

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I personally cogitate we are born in sin, and God is the individual judge. We sin on a on a daily basis basis, so whos to read aloud, what is a sin that won't be forgiven, there are more sins more powerful than Masturbation. Thou shalt not massacre is #1 on my list and society do this on a daily, I look at masturbation as secure sex, if you are under age and going thru duration's changes you are going to experiment beside touching your self cause if you are or be like me I be scared of letting anybody do anything to me My mom told me when I told her I have funny feelings if I only let a boy kiss me I would become pregnate, So bring up to date moms your not out here sleeping with every Tom, Dick, and Mary, catching something you can't bring back rid of, and until you meet that special someone do you!

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what a crock of s*it. There is nil in the catholic religion that states that masturbation is a sin.

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It is considered a sin by some people, but lots people are coming around. I mull over it just depends on who you are discussion to. If someone asked someone who believes that sex before conjugal is a sin and that women are only here to serve men (sexist), etc, they might say that masturbation be a sin. If somebody asked me, I'd say no, it's thriving and helps ancestors get to know themselves. Good luck, sounds resembling your mom's a little bizarre

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If God is here to forgive our sins, don't we need to sin tidy to keep the process going? You are fine merely follow the golden rule and treat others how you would want to be treated and you should never go wrong.

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