Does my body hate me? Or is it basically the pill?

I think my body merely hates me LOL! No seriously though, I hold been on the birth control pill for almost 2 weeks. I be put on them because I am bleeding (more like spotting) for almost 2 months strait. Now, I am bleeding similar to a medium time. Frank red blood, as opposed to brownish, partially dried up kinda old blood and clots approaching I was bleeding until that time. Honestly, I am SICK of bleeding. Oh and speaking of being sick, I am have terrible cramps and put money on cramps. The pill is Loestril Fe. Is this normal body behavior? Am I phenomenal? Does anyone know if this is a sign of anything else, perhaps more serious?

She have sex during pregnancy no she is having four months is it right to enjoy sex during pregnancy?

This probably means the birth control u are takin does not contain a elevated enough smooth of estrogen call ur doctor and see if she/he think you should take a sophisticated dose

This is driving me crazy!?

Maybe you need to be switch to something eles. Give it a different week to see what it do

Do you feel dizzy during menopause?

i dont know anything in the order of where you are contained by your birthcontrol cycle, but i believe you have your length

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