Epilator Experience Please?

OK can anyone out there be honest near me and tell me straight what to expect here? After putting bad for years I eventually went ahead and bought an epilator to try and sort out my legs once and for adjectives! Waxing doesn't work too well and shaving moved out me stubbly after only 2 days. I braved the excrutiating anguish first time, and did it again last hours of darkness for second time. The results are ok, less fuzz and less misery etc but I am still finding that my legs feel nowhere implicit as smooth as when I shave them? Is this the best that I can hope for, or will it improve contained by time? I hoped that I would achieve silky smooth legs, for longer period, and although I am happy beside the appearance for longer, I am very disappointed next to the overall stubbly feel. Can anyone supply me some optimism after suffering all this distress, or let me know their experiences? Much appreciated within advance!!

Is it on its channel ?

Make sure you exfoliate your legs before and after you epilate to prevent in-growing hair.
I've been epilating for going on for 2 years now and I'm not gonna recline - it still does hurt but I love the results! My legs are smooth and even when the hair grows spinal column after about a month it's fine spike not stubbly like when you've shaved. It's great when you're on holiday cos you don't entail to worry nearly hairy legs!

Is it possible to masterbate too much?

Your legs will never draw from as smooth as a shave, been epilating my legs for a few years in a minute, the other downside is ingrowing hairs, but at tiniest you dont keep have to shave your legs

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i used an epilator a couple of times but it hurt resembling hell and didnt really pull adjectives the hairs out anyway,

i dont know if it will procure better over time but i wouldnt think so

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yeah sorry smoothness only isnt as good, i used to epilate but it a moment ago seems similar to too much effort, so i switched to shaving newly again, the pain get less as u grasp used to it tho. the best thing for really silky smooth legs is that veet stuff, i use it when i know my legs are really on show and they look great! lol. so yeah, upright luck with the epilator

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