Pls help!?

according to all medical perspective any woman smoking or taking alchohol cannot conceive easily or at adjectives, but i know most womem who drink and smoke very powerfully and yet they conceive at want. why is it so. i need enlightment pls

What is a miscarriage?

What thoughtful of an enlightenment do you need? Do you want say-so from us here to continue smoking and drinking and promise you you will conceive glibly? I am sure you do not know most women, how many do you know? 10? 40? They adjectives smoke and drink and have babies? Then why verbs? Its bad for your (unborn or born) kid if you smoke that is apparent, there is lots of research done on smokers and relations.


Alcohol will affect both you and your partner. In fact, drinking any alcohol at adjectives can reduce your fertility by partially - and the more you drink, the less expected you are to conceive. One study showed that women who drank less than 5 unit of alcohol a week (equal to five glasses of wine) be twice as likely to bring pregnant within six-months compared beside those who drank more.

Research has also shown that drinking alcohol cause a decrease within sperm count, an increase in abnormal sperm and a lower proportion of motile sperm. Alcohol also inhibits the body's incorporation of nutrients such as zinc, which is one of the most important minerals for mannish fertility.

As difficult as it may seem, you should remove alcohol from your diets for at least three months within order to supply yourself the best possible chance of conceiving.

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