I hate my time of year?

I have craps my hindmost hurts it lasts for 1 week, its so large too. And usually I hate guys when I am on it. And I enjoy my date tomorrow and I still have length after not having it for 8 months! god i dont safekeeping if u peopel sya its a gift or something its annoying. And I craving guys had period too to see the pai and the annoying of it all. My interrogate is how do you deal beside ur period and relay me someembaressing things that happaned when u were on it?

Me, once I be at my best friend house and i was on my spell and it leaked adjectives on her chair. I be so embaressed luckly she was the just one home then she said its ok i love her!

Paying for a breast cut? No health insurance, fruitless credit?

Don't worry almost it. It happens to everyone too. First of adjectives, guys dont get period and we have it because unless u want to bring back pregnant? That's the reason. But unfortunatly, I hadn't had it for similar to 2 months now, but its ok to enjoy a period. But near was one time i be at Victoria's Secret, trying on some bikini (lol) then I discern there wuz some blood, it LEAKED OUT BIG TIME!! I apologized to the personage owning the shop but I had to buy the bikini anyway cuz they cant maintain it tat way. Its ordinary to have a interval, but u do get mood swings tho.. correct luck ;)

Birth control/menstrual question?

girl i have a handle on your pain i antipathy periods too, i choice that men could get them too only just to see what it feels similar to ya know.

BIRTH CONTROL PILLS and crying like a babe-in-arms?

i hate period to but mine are really really light and i don't gain cramps, well i don't enjoy any embarrassing stories but my friends do but I'm sure they won't mind
in good health me and my friends we're siting and all of a sudden my friend be asking everyone for napkins and we didn't have any so we said that we didn't administer her any and she got really foolish at us so then we saw that nearby was blood adjectives over the bench so we ran to carry napkins and nobody saw any of it!

My Mirena came out! Now what?

Just bear some midol. I also leaked on a bench at a hospital, but it was my closing day near so its ok. and no it wasn't after giving birth.

On birth control-started period rash?

Once I was at "Kroger" I be walking through the front of the store by where adjectives of the cash registers are. I notice that alot of guys were staring at me, I thought they be looking at my behind because they thought it be sexy...but as soon as I went home and I go to the bathroom I noticed that I have a huge stain on the back of my pant...how embarassing!

Wife has have her 7 day break from the pill and be meant to start strange pack yesterday morning but forgot?

That's jut part of individual a female. We enjoy to deal beside periods. Yes it is annoying and it can be a niggle but there's nought we can do about it. Nothing degrading has happen to me while I was on.

After you use tampons do you find that your flow is lighter?

for the cramps i usually lay down and put a case of ice on my stomach or pilfer a hot aromatic bath.

luckily zilch more embarrassing than leak through my pants (not noticably) have happened to me.

Tampon examine?

really?! i hate my interview mark! ahahaha!

My friend have had her interval for a year now and have no signs of development is near somthing wrong with her?

well i traffic with it by not thinking something like it just hold fun keep your length of your mind
but the most embarassing thing that happen was i vanished my bloody pad on the bathroom counter top and i come back a couple hours subsequent and i saĆ­d '' whoops i forgot to put it in the rubbish'' then out of no where on earth a cockoroach ran right out my bloody wipe i was so humiliated

Period Question?

First of all, what a nice friend you own! Second of all, I'd try taking something resembling Midol for the aches and pains or Ibuprofin (Advil). One instrument you can try to reduce the pains is to stay busy, even when you have your extent and to drink plenty of water (if you're dry, you'll cramp even more!) I used to have HUGE cramps--so doomed to failure that I'd be pretty much doubled over. One time, I was have those types of cramps and had to be at a rehearsal for an upcoming concert, and my boyfriend (now husband) at the time, rubbed my stern gently for me and get everyone to give me some space whenever they come around to ask what was wrong next to me... made me fall surrounded by love with him that much more! When you obtain older, you can try going on the birth control pill becuase it does give support to with the bleeding and cramps and such.

Is it ill or is there any vigour risks with have sex while on your period?

One time when i first started using tampons, i didnt realize how long you should wait until you renovation it and i was hangin out beside my friend and two boys that we liked and it be at night. i be riding my bike and i was pedaling while standing up u know, so my be facing the two boys and i went inside and near was blood adjectives over my shorts. i dont think they be paying good attention but who know if they saw or not.. lol

I have strech results?

Well this is too late for your date tomoorow but try going on Depo-provera ( it is a birth control method ) most nation on it don't even get their time at all ! http://www.soyouwanna.com/site/syws/bcon...

Im 13 and i dont put away at all and gain dawdle like crazy!! minister to me?

Join the club.We meet on Thursdays.

Water retention or cravings?

I don't know anyone who like their period. I started mine at military camp when I was 13. I have to go to the nurse and later they wouldn't let me contained by the pool because they only have pads.

I a moment ago got diagnosed near low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. Anyone have information on this?

once i be on a date with my boyfriend and we get of a huge coaster and my whole pant were feelin drizzling once i got sour. i thought i peed my pants coil bad but i didnt really repay It any attention then he said you must own sat on something red. i unknown wat is was forthwith i looked at him and he understood. i go to the bathroom to try to clean it up best as i could but it be no good. when i come out he had his pant in his appendage and just his boxers on. but they be plain so they looked liked shorts . i loved him so much afterwards. hes so amazing. he walked around close to that for the rest of the night. it be still really embarrassing.

Does ovulation happen before or after your extent?

There are birth control pills out that you only return with your period 4 tI'mes a year call Seasonal .And im pretty sure there is another one coming out soon but for already that keeps you from getting a term.The way they work is that nearby is no break in the hormones.

I lubricate my tampons next to Vasline before putting it in..is this okay to do?

Hey... I repugnance it too... my period is close to yours... u know my back hurts it last for 8 or 9 days and it's so heavy. Like u I can`t stand guys when I'm on it and I wish guys have periods too so they can try the misery
At least u leak on ur friend's chair surrounded by her house unlike me I leaked on the arts school bus chair god that be embaressing .
I'm sorry I dont know how 2 deal near it bcoz everytime I try sth. it doesnt work... Oh I just disgust it

Help! Does sex hurt for the first time?

yeah i hate it too. i get hold of really horrible cramps. the first year i started was hell, i be only 11 i have some really embarassing moments. i was within school once and blood get all of over my stool everyone was taking a question paper when i realized it so i dont regard they saw but the teacher did so she said i could move about to the bathroom. so i had to procure up with blood adjectives over my pants.

What change do you notice surrounded by men sexually as they get elder?

I hate my time of year too.

In my early 20ies I didn't own my period for give or take a few 2 years, because I did lots of sports and I therefore have a very low podgy percentage. It's probably a bad opinion and not healthy to enjoy so little bodyfat. I didnt' care what inhabitants said, I looked great, very toned (not only just a bag of bones, he,he) & I feel great.

Now I'm just below my recommended bulk and I'm getting my period again, but usually the bleeding isn't extraordinarily strong. I am also on the pill with which I skip my time by not having a 7 days break after taking it for 21 days. It's convenient if you enjoy a date, or if you go on holiday or if you know you a moment ago don't want to be on the period right very soon.

However, if you keep taking the pill too long in need taking a 7 days break, it's very possible that you get some surprising bleeding and that really s*cks! oops, pardon my french :D

My lower subsidise keeps hurting?

and who doesn't?

I enjoy a lotion like white non smelling discharge which have appeared after my period what could this be?

i can`t stand my period to crippling cramps bloated the index goes on and on !! resourcefully anyways my embarrassing story is
i be at my dads house i woke up and i just know it had started i go to the bathroom and found out yes it had started my underwear be soaked i dont know bout my pants but anyways i be waaaay to embarrassed to ask my step mom for a wad this was merely like my 4-5 term so i just consent to it be biiiiiig mistake the cramps were sooooo doomed to failure so i had to deed like zilch was wrong consequently. we walked the dog consequently. i went to the bathroom blood be allllllll over my pants i changed clothes and my mom picked me up shortly after thank god because i be still to embarrassed to ask for a wipe lol

What would you do in my situation?i get my period when i be 9 yrs old & it have always be really bad.?

hate period sooooooooooooooo much and 1 time i waz wachin my baby bro and we be wachin a movie and i stood up a huge stan on my shorts now he wout shut up a bot i t poor me


Periods suck and so does departure and taxes. My most embarassing moment was surrounded by middle school - I walk around with a red spot on the support of my white shorts for everyone to see. I had to ride the bus home near this spot and walk partly a mile to get home. I kept my backpack over my butt the best I could.

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