I did coke for the first time in my life on Friday night and I got a chest pain... what does this mean?

I'm a 19 year old guy and I did almost 4 lines of coke for the first time ever on Friday night. Initially I be ok, but then I have a mild chest pain that last about an hour or so. It's presently Monday morning and I still have a slight discomfort within my chest. Does anyone know what this could mean? Someone said I own bruised my heart muscle and it needs a while to restore your health as I'd never done it before, but I verbs too much and would appreciate any input. Thanks. Oh by the way, I am never doing it again!

1 month postponed?

There are a limited number of serious, existence threatening things that can cause chest spasm. The ones that could be possible are, Pericarditis and a Pulmonary Embolism.

Pericarditis is an infection of the fluid in the sac around the heart and causes severe chest dull pain. It is usually brought on by dental infections. You would have a pretty glorious fever and the dull pain would increase in certain postions.

A Pulmonary Embolism occur when something (fat from bone marrow, foreign bodies, air, blood clots, amniotic fluid, bone) make its way to the lungs and plugs up the capillary. This a pretty serious condition that needs advanced treatment. The embolism commonly comes from blood clots within varicose veins, or from bone marrow from surgery or broken bones. You may also own shortness of breath with this condition.

Cocaine is an "upper" that make your heart beat faster, breath harder etc. and could hold broken loose something causing a pulmonary embolism. I would drop by a physician, be honest, tell them what happen, to make sure you don't hold any life threating conditions. Its better to be not dangerous than sorry...

Iv just be looking at something called a Mooncup for ladies on period, what are they like? appropriate, bad?

It's devout that you're giving the coke a miss. I'm sure you're fine, just hold it as a warning.

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<>Since the stimulant effects of cocaine can put a severe strain on the heart, you might want to consult your doctor and at least own an EKG done. Few users of this drug realize how dangerous it really is.


Hello uh "Heart Attack" I have a friend in lofty school who died due to cocaine use. He died from cardio end due to one night of partying beside cocaine. I urge you to go to your doctor and be honest next to your doc, do not worry because in our time the doctor is there to amass you and the law make it completely confidential between you and your doctor.

O.B.G.Y.N means?

Thank God you are still alive to report the story. You'd better see your doctor immediately and be frank beside him coz a chest pain could propose your heart is in trouble. Its a flawless thing u've contracted not to do the coke again. Good luck!

Pre menstrual stuff?

It means you should use your go before before doing things that could possibly shoot you. I would suggest calling your doctor & letting him know. You're over 18 so he won't be calling your parents & by far this is not the worst story he's heard. JUST SAY NO!

Any opinion on Phentramine?

Never trying it again is a smart choice. the pain is probably because you over stimulated your heart muscles. by doing coke you are also putting * into your lungs ans that could cause you to acquire aspiration Pneumonia and you can die from that.

So, I am thinking of having a breast exhaustion.?

It means 2 not do that again

Problems down below!!?

Well if that doesn't stop you, later death may.It be your hearts trying to say--Hey I'm Here trying to give a hiding normal.You may enjoy heart defect that have never been diagnosed so see a Dr. if the distress doesn't go away today.And inform the Dr. what really caused the dull pain,he can't tell any one. 4 lines is a great deal did you not sleep for the whole week-end?It is your natural life, so live it however you see fit...

I've had a time for 3 weeks now, is within something really wrong with me?

You stressed your heart.

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