Can you still have yeast infections after you own a full hysterectomy?


I've heard Yaz birth control can..?

Of course. The germs that causes the infection doesn't keeping whether or not you're able to hold children; it only care about the real perfect environment that it requests to grow.



Tampon problem?

Yes, the yeast infection is from a fungus, and fungus doesn't care that you don't own a uterus. It thrives in mucous membranes, and chiefly if you eat seriously of sugar. Cut down on the sugar and get some Monistat.

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yes it very common to get yeast infections. cart it from me i get them every couple of months. i also have a complete hysterectomy and i thought the same article u did till i wound up with one next to a month of the operation. diflucian works wonders and it is one little pill instead of nasty creams which is striking.

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