Bleeding during sex?

hi, im 15 and this isnt my first time having sex and we've solitary been beside eachother so we dont have any stds. it happend a while posterior and i just thought oh, it be rough so thats probably why i bled. well, it happend again. we have sex, i bled so we made some dinner and then wait, and thought maybe itd be ok so we did again. everything feel fine but then it get really wet so i know it, and what do ya know. im embarassed to say this, but a while subsequently did it again and bled. after i bled the first time and when i was contained by the middle of eating i started to touch sick, and now ive feel sick since. it was dark blood, but then the 2nd and second time it got lighter and pinkish. i go home a little next and went poddy and wipe and there be a little pink blood on the toilet article, but none in my underwear. thenn i go to the bathroom this morning and it was approaching that again. i wiped twice and at hand was a moment or two blood, but the third time i wiped again nearby wasnt anything. wont fit go down..


Is this is everyday ?!?

A lot of times, the hymen (membrane in the vagina that breaks and bleeds) doesn't completely break the first time you own sex. In my case, mine didn't completely break until my second partner (guess the first one be kinda small, LOL)... which was really grotesque. It was if truth be told two years apart, and I bled the first two or three times we had sex.

If the bleeding stops soon afterwards and it's not a sizeable amount of blood it's probably nothing to verbs about. Just be sure to use condoms to protect against STDs and pregnancy... even if you've merely been beside each other, it's better undisruptive than sorry.

You don't need an mature to go to Planned Parenthood, although you will hold to pay or hold insurance. If you want to go to bring back checked out, try your local health department. You also don't own to have an developed and services are free for teenagers with no personal income.

Best wishes and biddable luck!

Where did it come from?

First of all: please stop have sex. Then somehow get to a doctor because this is not typical and your are putting yourself at risk. You may have an infection or something else going on so please do catch some medical care. I deduce you should tell your Mother because she can aid you. You cannot do this on your own and you need medical attention.

Fine ask your BF's Mom to embezzle you to Planned Parenthood but you can go on your own too. That is great but merely find out if something is wrong so it can be corrected.

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Go to your arts school nurse and ask her to take you to the Health Dept for a check up. She can do this during academy hours. The important item is for you to be checked. Use a condom during sex, even if you are SURE you cannot catch anything. Just do it. Get them free at the Health dept.

Something hurts ?

take effort.coz, ur case is seeming complicated..

Girls one and only pls (personal?

Please stop having sex. Not simply are you underage, but your body is telling you that something isnt right.

I'll assume that youre using protection (if not, GET SOME) so you could own a latex allergy thats being aggravated, you could own a small cut or tear that isnt getting a hit and miss to heal properly, or you could enjoy an infection - not necessarily a sexually transmitted one.

the clinic obviously have a phone connection so why not phone call them and ask them if you can come in - explain your situation.

I dont want to nouns like im preaching to you, but really, try to donate the sex until youre at least officially recognized and in a long-term, loving relationship. It's a precious and intimate item that should be shared between 2 people that respect respectively other - respect your body a bit more and get to the clinic.

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Once you start have sex, you should really start having gynecological examinations. Planned paternity is great. They do charge a fee, but it is different for respectively center. And they state that financial issues should not be a barrier to essential and necessary form care.
You can look online to find a phone number for your nouns and call them. They will report to you what they would charge you. You can also see what a gynecologic examination is on their website.
If it be rough sex, you likely have a tear within the skin inside the vagina. It is pretty common, in reality. However, you should see a doctor and have a pap smear done only to make sure everything is okay.

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Oh no, girlfriend, you're too youthful. mmmmhm.
go to college uhhh huhhh instead of doing it all the time.
im gonna bring up to date your mom on you so you besta watch out girlfriend mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhm!

listen to ur soul sista.

What is vaginal discharge I saw?

I know ur tired of audible range this,but you r to young to be have sex...You need to parley with your mom in the order of this...She will help you and hold so much advice for you...I would want my daughter to beable to bring up to date me anything...Your mom should be ur best friend as well...I know shes going to shriek at first and everything,but she will come around...As for ur problem I u can go to the Health Department and capture help for free...U might be have to much sex and u can be bruised or have an infection...Good Luck...

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Stop the sex...Save it for wedding...I know you think this is old-fashioned fashioned but it's true for you and anyone else that's 15 and doing things the wrong way.Please salvage yourself for later when the right man or even if it's gonna be this boy, but at least possible wait until you are both elder before you do grown up things that get a whole bunch of youthful people contained by a bunch of trouble before at hand time...Please believe me I have suffered because of the mistakes I hold made...I will help you beside this if you want me to...This may be your body's way of truism it's not ready for this section of life even so...Enjoy yourself now, one grown up lasts a drastically long time enjoy your youth...God bless you...I will pray for you to be paid the right decisions beside your life.Please agree to me know ok?/

Dianette Question?

If you are asking this question on a message board next you are obviously too young at heart to be having sex. I can`t stand being so complicated on you, but really, read what you wrote.

Go to planned parenthood. It sounds similar to you are spotting which can happen next to pregnancy. Judging by your post, I don't think you are using protection.

This is pretty majority for us girls/woman to feel ..?

The best answer is what most of these those are saying, "Go see a doctor." If you bleed most of the time, something most probable is wrong. If it was merely once in a blue moon, later you could just say-so that yes y'all be being rough. If it hurts or stings or anything to be exact making it uncomfortable, afterwards that is another sign that something is wrong. I work out that you might feel too ashamed to talk next to your mom, but you NEED to get minister to from someone, before it is too deferred. Again, the best answer is to go and see a doctor. Who know, he or she might say that you are completely fine, but you still call for to rule out that possibility. Good Luck, hope everything goes okay!

Hi, I have be bleeding for 10 days now. Please relieve!?

I was married for like mad of years and when I started seeing guys after my divorce I had a few surprises. I bled next to my next boyfriend as you are describing. It happen several times until we actually fit better together. It be almost like human being a virgin all over again. It will go by in time as your body become more accommodating to your boyfriend. Wear a pantyliner after sex for a day until this quits occurring! Rough sex can be exciting but having it slow and calm can be very sensual and exciting too! I am glad to hear you are thinking in the order of std's but don't forget this is how babies are born too! Be Cautious!

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Your mom should be the first person that you report. And it is normal for someone your age to experience.. But you requirement to make sure that you are not pregnant. For some women explicitly a tell adjectives sign OK... Keep the faith everything will be ok..

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If your not sure you should NOT have sex again until you find out what's going on. Yes you can go to planned paternity skip school and cart the bus if its that important to you and i would contemplate it is - maybe your boyfriend can run you

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