My problem is that i dont approaching wearing any kind of undies but my mom say to wear in period! any alternative?

eliza, ladies help individual!

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Your mom can't tell you what to do...if you establish to let it adjectives run in your pant if you leak, that's your result not hers...unless she does your laundry.

So if you do your own laundry, it's your own decision. But please, don't try on clothes at Wal-Mart or anything unless you're wearing them...that's gross.

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You hold to wear them whether you like it or not. If you don't, you can return with germs and raped.
Don't be an idiot. I have never hear of anyone so dense.

I'm a 13 yr old girl?

tampons would be an alternative, but afterwards if it leaked, you're contained by for a world of embarassment. sorry babe, you'll have to put those knickers on

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You should always wear panties if wearing a skirt or dress and when your have your period. Try finding panties that are comfortable for you.

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Are you trying to attract a boy without panties? if so that'd not especially attractive on your period and I recommend you to hide it. Yeah your mom can't let somebody know you what to do, but if she washes ur cloths she don't want to touch that on ur pant! Be a women and understand period= protection, where on earth undies and face it, we adjectives need to craft sure we stay clean down in attendance and use UNDIES...or if not, use a tampon and wear a thong next to a thong lining pany-shield, but don't be in motion without positively no thong or undies

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hey that's gross, you SHOULD wear undies!

Could any one detail me the expansion??

Just wear undies. Who cares. If you cant find anything u resembling try a thicker sided thong. Then u can still use pads and own hardly anything around lol.

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