Problem wif length?

I use to get my period regularly evri it onli last 2 days at d most ! 2 mths bck i have sex and i got my interval aft tat wic lastd 2 this mth my period lastd onli 1 time ! is it possible for me to be pregnant ? or sumthing else is wrong wif me !? Help !

Why do I feel this have need of??

Wow. RIP the English language. PLEASE do the world a favor and avoid getting pregnant.

What do you surmise? is this normal?

sounds similar to your hormones are out of whack. could be pregnancy, thyroid problem. you need to see a doctor to find out.

Am i grease? I'm 5-7 and 170 pounds?

First off, stop have sex. You spelling is horrible, so either you are too infantile to have sex, or you are not well-read enough to be responsible for the consequences of sex. OH an above adjectives get some birth control in the past you get pregnant.

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