Relief from Urinary Tract Infection?

I took some medicine for the UTI that sprung up today, now I'm basically waiting on the medicine to kick contained by but I am absolutely miserable! I've already soaked in the tub, any other suggestions?

Answers:    antibiotics will not releave the niggle, it will take a couple of days for the antibiotics to kick need to go to the store and buy some AZO it is a stomach-ache releaver for the bladder and urinary track, it works in about 10 to 20 min after taking it...later drink lots of water to flush out the bacteria, the more you drink the faster it will stir away,,,the AZO will turn your urine bright orange and will stain anything in verbs but it works.

You may be passing a kidney stone, if this is so get you a gallon of dampen, take an AZO and sit in the tub, you will own to pee lots to pass it and it is extreamly painfull, and the pain will go and get worse and cursed with these little monsters and going to doctors does no good..they describe me nothing is wrong with me nil in my urine showed up, exrays looked fine..then when i told them i have history of kidney stones they went and took another look at my exrays and said ohh yeah i guess you do have some and run home pee through this strainer and bring the stone back so we can analyse it....they just sent me home so i sit in the tub with a gallon of river and peed for 3 hrs and it passed, and the pain was gone instantly....pious luck hope its only a UTI.
CHUG some cranberry juice or run the the vitamin section of the market and return with the cranberry extract pills and pop them like candy. For me (I'm prone to them) by the time I think I'm really overdoing it next to the cranberry it starts to work, and there's really no harm that it can do to you body other than a insubstantial case of heartburn from the juice. I draw from those quite often reflect on I am susceptible to if I drink coffee all light of day and then go to the pub and hold some alcohol, thats all I need to achieve dehydrated and then Ill draw from one for sure. I drink cranberry juice as it is a natural remedy and if I have a feeling the symptoms I have a glass and they turn away. Its just as effective as antibiotics.I hold only been to the docs once roughly it, the other times cranberry has sorted me out. My mum is a trained nurse of 30 yrs and she agrees this is OK for me to do, just try it, it works really speedily too!
Dont have tea, coffee or alcohol tho as they create the right conditions for the bacteria to grow. Cranberry liquid alters the PH of urine maiking it harder for the bacteria to stick to the inside of ur bladder...gross I know. Fruit and barley or lemon barley water from the shop also have the same effect and makes the urine more alkaline..
You may stir for a urine culture and sensitivity test and use the most effective antibiotic / medication on your doctors advice please. try using alkylanating agents such as Cymalon and Canesten Oasis to relieve the pain. Cranberry liquid and a high fluid intake may also help. .
I am not sure but how going on for a lot of liquids and cranberry liquid? I also heard yogurt helps. I would have an idea that a lot of fluids would help flush out the infection and the antibiotics faster. Did you shift to your doctor? The only cure for a UTI is antibiotics which are only available by a doctor. :-|.
drink cranberry liquid

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