What is the average amount of times a couple has sex within a week?


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I own been next to my sig other for two years and we live together. I would say most of the time we own sex anywhere bw 2 and 7 times a week. I dont think we own ever went more than a week lacking. We rarely own more than one session per day because of our schedule.

It is too much when it interferes with your natural life. Like if you are skipping classes or jepordizing your work (calling in, inappropriate deeds at work) to have sex. I really dont judge you can put a number on when it is too much. I dont know that you can put a number on when its enough. It is adjectives about what works for you and your relationship.


my boyfriend and i both work profoundly and it's usually a couple of times a week. i think too much sex is when it go so far as to looking at a lot of porn on internet and video, masturbation frequently and such. that's a sexual addiction.

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4-5 times

too much would be over 10 times

A swollen vaginal gland?

i usually try not to do it too much.
but from waht i know a couple times a week is average.
but im only 16 so i dont do it too normally since im young.

Help.. please? substance related.?

i dont know the average...but if it were up to me i'd own it like twice a daylight...but people are different...some may want it profusely while others dont...it depends on the person, and probably how righteous it is...

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It can oscillate depending on their schedules, their body stamina, and hormones.

We have sex twice a week. Some couples have it every hours of darkness. It varies.

There's no such point as too much unless it interferes with the necessities of duration.

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me and my wife own sex 4-5 times a week. married for 8 years and together for 10

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I implore for sex 7 time a week. I get it every other week.

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